Soul Eater – 12

This was another one of those building-up episodes, mostly dedicated to show how l33t the powers of Medusa are. That’s one thing I rather dislike of shounen-series: it takes ages to get to the good stuff, and the building-up episodes hardly provide anything interesting.

This episode was decent enough, I suppose: we see the identity of the head witch and Maka finally stops angsting over Soul and in the next episode, she and Soul will get some special training in order to power up. I really hope that the creators won’t end up god-moding their characters this way… a common pitfall of these shounen-series is that they power up their lead characters way too much, instead of choosing for the more continuous growth. Claymore is one of the few who actually avoided this one.

10 thoughts on “Soul Eater – 12

  1. Having read the manga, I’ll spoil it a little so if you want to be suprised, dont read what comes down in my next paragraph.

    Yes maka and soul gain some level of strength from this “curse” but it also serves to weaken them in other areas, so it is something of a double edged sword.

  2. This was a fairly unimpressive episode, but it was decent.

    Apparently BONES will start picking up the pace and end the 1 chap = 1 ep adaptation. It could end up very good.

  3. You weren’t seriously expecting it to start off fast after last episode, were you? They have to do some building up before they do anything again. The preview did say the title was ‘Maka’s crucial decision’ or some such, and it delivered on that well. I couldn’t understand any of what Maka said this episode, but the feeling of it was nice and the meaning damn obvious.

    Also, I haven’t read the manga, but I have heard people say that Maka and Soul aren’t the most powerful characters at all, so it still looks promising.

  4. “Also, I haven’t read the manga, but I have heard people say that Maka and Soul aren’t the most powerful characters at all, so it still looks promising.”

    They are nowhere near the most powerful.

  5. Fukae: why isn’t Claymore shounen? I mean, it’s got all the traits of a regular shounen anime: lots of fighting, power-ups, a lot of characters with a lot of different powers and specializations, villains with godly powers that need to be beaten. Why does this one differ from, say, Bleach?

  6. Claymore is shonen. It runs in a shonen magazine. End of definition.
    This episode was really good; definitely digging into the thematic stuff that sets the series apart from lesser shonen.

  7. That was a very ordinary episode but it was pretty necessary though. Hopefully they don’t ruin the anime by like you said god moding them because it looks like it will become a good one

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