Simoun – 14 – Awesomeness

Okay. That was an AMAZING episode! It’s centered around Waporifu, with Morinasu as an important side-character with a healthy dose of Dominüra. The results are just incredibly awesome!

We start with Aaeru and Neviriru flying around a bit, in search of the enemy carrier. They can’t find it anywhere. The enemy either moved it in order to retreat, or in order to use it for a nasty little plan. In any case, we won’t be seeing a lot from them, as they keep flying around for the entire episode, which equals about a day. It’s very interesting to see that even though Neviriru’s scared about Aaeru, she still managed to fly for more than 24 hours with her, inside a Simoun.

We then switch to Dominüra and Wauf, who conclude that the enemy has been forming alliances. Dominüra wonders about what the “Center” might be doing. I think she means her employers by this. Wauf also tells her that the Messis has to be stationed at the ground for a small while, in order to conduct some small maintenance. Dominüra reckons that there’ll be lots of sad things happening. And how she’s right. Haha! But not in the way she thinks.

Meanwhile, we turn to Waporifu and Morinasu. Morinasu reveals that she’s planning to become a man. Morinasu also is still surprised about the fact that the Simoun Gems can read the Sybila’s heart. It also seems that Morinasu and Furoe had a relationship once. ^^ They broke up, though. Waporifu couldn’t bear the fact that he (she?) was defiling a holy image. What follows is a scene which might be the start of the first actual couple in this series, as it seems that Waporifu starts to get feelings for Morinasu. Morinasu also wonders if the Sybilla really are the big-wigs they’re rumoured to be.

We then switch to the other Sybilla, having fun catching fish in a local stream. Furoe, Limone and Kaimu really are enthusiastic about a fish-trap that Mamiina managed to set up. Paraietta also smiles for the first time since ever. Yun is reading a book as usual. ^^ Dominüra, meanwhile has a little conversation with Waporifu. Dominüra wants Waporifu to dismantle one of the Simoun. Something which has never been done before. After all, if the Simoun were God’s holy image, how come they were shot down? Waporifu also reckons that the Simoun are just machines. Dominüra wants to find out about the secrets the Simoun have been keeping for so long. Waporifu, however, refuses. Like she refused Furoe and tries not to get too close to Morinasu. (On a side-note: Kyuukoku seems to be Simulacrum. At least, I think it does).

We then switch to later, that evening. Waporifu gets some interesting thoughts. When Amuria disappeared, the Simoun was not distorted in a way which did not suggest that she was dragged out. If that was the case, then where did Amuria go? That’s thus far, the only evidence pointing towards the fact that the Simoun indeed are godly. Dominüra, meanwhile, tries to put even more pressure on Waporifu. Morinasu catches the two of them on this, and she finds out that Waporifu’s a terrible liar.

Paraietta and Yun then have an interesting conversation. Paraietta’s getting worried about Aaeru and Neviriru, and she asks Yun to be her pair in case they needed to save the two of them. Yun then holds a cryptic speech. I’ve no idea what she meant, though it seems that she wanted to subtly make something clear to Paraietta.

Things really get awesome when we switch back to Waporifu and Morinasu. Waporifu reveals that she got the request to dismantle a Simoun. Morinasu then comes with quite an interesting opinion. Getting in the Simoun has made her realize something: the Simoun are indeed God’s crafts. I wonder what made her think that way.

We then switch to the evening. The Sybilla all go to sleep, except for Dominüra, and of course Aaeru and Neviriru, who still haven’t returned. Dominüra meanwhile has a conversation with Wauf. He has discovered that she belonged to the Chor Dextra (wait a minute… wasn’t she in the Chor Kaputo?) In any case, the Chor Dextra was only formed in order to complete the Emerald’s Ri Maajon. She’s now member of a certain “Audid Organization”. Wauf then comes with the interesting revelation that somebody’s watching the thing she’s trying to do. This only gets her cornered more and more.

Waporifu, meanwhile, has been thinking. She then heads to Morinasu, in the dormitory. What follows is the first kiss which actually feels like a kiss, if we ignore Limone in the previous episode. That was a great scene. Waporifu exits with her own conclusion: the Simoun are just machines. She spends the rest of the night dismantling one of the Helical Motores of one of the Simoun. Dominüra then returns to her the next morning, for some amazing results.

The Helical Motores were just empty! They just had one big spiral in them, and that’s all. Waporifu is quite astonished when she finds out, though when Dominüra sees this, the breaks down. The other Sybilla are woken up by this, and they see a mentally destroyed Dominüra getting carried away by some staff of the Messis.

Overall, that was just amazing. It’s probably the best episode of Simoun yet. Dominüra, Morinasu and Waporifu were just awesome. I wonder if it’s got something to do with Aaeru and Neviriru being absent. In any case, that was a nice touch.

Memorable Moments: Dominüra seeing the dismantled Simoun. Waporifu and Morinasu at night. Everything was just perfectly built up.

0 thoughts on “Simoun – 14 – Awesomeness

  1. “Morinasu couldn’t bear the fact that he (she?) was defiling a holy image.”

    That was Wapourif, actually, who is a he. Morinas is still a she until she goes to the Spring, and might continue to be afterwards if she changes her mind about her sex before going.

    “What follows is a scene which might be the start of the first actual couple in this series, as it seems that Waporifu starts to get feelings for Morinasu.”

    Oh, that has been developing for a while. Did you see Wapourif’s reaction when she wiggled her butt in his face all the way back in episode 3? And they’re both gearheads.

  2. “Paraietta and Yun then have an interesting conversation. Paraietta’s getting worried about Aaeru and Neviriru, and she asks Yun to be her pair in case they needed to save the two of them. Yun then holds a cryptic speech. I’ve no idea what she meant, though it seems that she wanted to subtly make something clear to Paraietta.”

    I think it’s the case that Paraietta holds Neviriru higher then the rest of the team. In another situation where Neviriru wasn’t involved, she won’t be so worried about it but because she is deeply in love with her, she is lke this. Yun told that to her that how she could be a leader if she holds someone higher then others.

    I think that’s the case.

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