Simoun – 13 – Aaeru Can be so Incredibly Dense at Times

This was a fun episode. It centered around Aaeru and Neviriru. Aaeru’s thick-headedness and Neviriru’s hestitant nature were put in the spotlights, with some satisfying results. The other characters also provided some nice development.

We start the episode with the characters reflecting the previous episode. Dominüra seems to have put Kaimu and Aruti together as an experiment. To see whether they would go well together. Kaimu and Aruti then acknowledge that the two of them can’t pair anymore. It’s because Kaimu rejected Aruti as her pair. Rejecting your pair is the same as rejecting your Simoun, hence the distorted Simoun-gem from the previous episode.

We then switch to the dormitory, in which the lack of enemy movement is getting on Furoe’s nerves. She’s getting bored with the lack of activity, Yun scolds her about this. Furoe unleashes her anger upon Rödoreamon’s stuffed animal, who doesn’t quite survive this ordeal. This provides some funny material for later in the episode. ^^

Rödoreamon meanwhile has decided to help Mamiina with the households, and she keeps getting impressed by her. The bond between the two really has increased a lot.

Meanwhile, outside, the inevitable happens: Aaeru learns about the Emerald Ri Maajon (Doremi translated this as the Jade-Remergon, for some unknown reason. Emerald seems to be the right way to translate it, though). In any case, I was expecting her to do something stupid, though Aaeru really surprises everyone when she does the most stupid thing you can ever imagine.

She runs towards Neviriru, in the middle of the dining room, and promptly asks Neviriru to do the Emerald Ri Maajon with her. Aaeru speaks about Amuria like she was just ordinary dust. Aaeru doesn’t seem to realize that Amuria’s a sensitive subject. But that only makes that scene more fun. Aaeru really proves that she’s able to do things nobody would dare to.

The others have interesting reactions when this happens. Neviriru gets incredibly scared and walks away. Paraietta begins to yell at Aaeru, though she follows Neviriru in the end. Limone wants to help Aaeru, though Rödoreamon stops her. Mamiina rushes off immediately when a couple of plates fell on the floor (an interesting reaction. She, didn’t really care enough about Neviriru, so she noticed that she needed to take action). Yun and Kaimu both scold Aaeru after Neviriru left. Dominura observes everything which happened without involving herself and Furoe takes Aaeru towards a quiet place in order to teach her a few things.

As Aaeru’s incredibly thick-headed, Furoe isn’t able to make clear to Aaeru that Neviriru loved Amuria. Aaeru hasn’t fallen in love yet, so it’s only natural. Still, Aaeru does seem incredibly oblivious to the phenomena called “Love”. Aaeru did, however, pick up one thing about the definition of love: if two people want to kiss outside of a Simoun-flight, then it’s love. Overall, Furoe was quite funny in this discussion. You can really see that she’s having trouble with Aaeru’s incredibly to-the-point personality. ^^;

Neviriru, meanwhile, locks herself inside an empty room, gets some freaky flashbacks about Aaeru and Amuria, she begins to scream and faints. In one way, Aaeru acted like an incredible idiot. But on the other hand, Neviriru has been locking herself in. She still has a trauma from when she lost Amuria, which keeps haunting her mentally. At the moment, Aaeru keeps bringing this trauma to the surface. It may be painful at first, but it does make Neviriru confront her fears. That, or she might totally lose it. Depending on her own strength.

Paraietta managed to find Neviriru, and put her on a solitary bed in a dusty room. Aaeru, meanwhile, tells her new discoveries about love to Limone. The results are quite amusing when Limone ends up kissing Dominüra, later that evening. (^^;) Dominüra was a bit agitated before, as permission to go after the enemy carrier from the previous episode kept getting delayed. She was also getting worried about a certain “Kyoukoku”. It was interesting to see Dominüra worrying about the decisions of the officials like that. It was even more interesting to see Limone’s actions towards Dominüra, and seeing her reaction to this. ^_^

Aaeru, meanwhile, keeps trying when she enters Neviriru’s room through the window. After this, another kissing scene follows. (I bet the yuri-lovers will be very enthusiastic with this episode ^^) Neviriru keeps ignoring Aaeru, though. Paraietta gets to be the one to break them apart. Neviriru then wants to be alone again.

Meanwhile, a very funny scene follows in the dormitory. Every main character except for Neviriru, Paraietta, Dominüra and Aaeru’s there, and they first reflect a bit about Amuria. It seems that she was a very strong person. Everyone was scared to mention this to Neviriru. Then the amusing things begin when Rödoreamon finds out about Furoe’s treatment to her stuffed animal. It seems that Furoe tried to sew it afterwards, while she can’t sew at all. The results are quite hilarious. It’s great that they people can still laugh, even with such a gloomy atmosphere. It was a nice touch. ^^

The next day, Dominüra decides to not wait for official orders to destroy the enemy carrier from the previous episode, and she sends Aaeru and Neviriru on a solo-mission. Aaeru’s very enthusiastic when she hears this, though Neviriru and Paraietta object. It’s the first time that Neviriru really objects, and Paraietta manages to send her out anyway. It’s probably because Neviriru believes that the Simoun-gem will probably get corrupted, just like in the previous episode. After all, after what happened, she believes that she’s got no other choice than to reject Aaeru as a pair.

The look on her face, when she saw the Simoun-gem shining to its full extend was amazing. What was even more amazing was the statement with which she ended the episode. She wonders how it could be possible for her to accept Aaeru, when she’s actually scared of her. This can promise to be incredibly interesting for future episodes.

Overall, this was a very fun episode. Especially Neviriru’s development was awesome. Dominüra also was quite interesting. It seems that she indeed has a personality. Furoe’s also quite funny, despite her bratty behaviour.

Memorable moment: Limone x Dominüra ^^

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