The Chara-Changes are awesome. Not only are they hilarious (in this episode, we get to see the Chara-changes of Nadeshiko and Hotari), they also do reflect on the hidden and real desires of the different characters, albeit exaggerated a bit. Amu wants to be acknowledged because of her talents and not her reputation (hence the blue and green Shugo Chara), and she wants to be able to act beyond the facade she puts up every day (hence the red Shugo Chara). Nadeshiko wants to be seen as a strong girl, so with a Chara-Change, she turns into a hyperactive swordswoman. I can actually see her, jealous of Amu, who is known for her tough character. Hotari meanwhile has unconscious desires for power, which is why his Chara-Change turns him into a maniacal overlord who wishes to rule the world. That does make me curious about the Chara-change of neko-guy. I think it’s more than just growing cat-ears. ^^;
This episode also revealed the ultimate goal of both the god guys and bad guys: Embryo, an egg that allows you to fulfil any wish. We also see the first sparks of romance between Amu and neko-guy, in typical shoujo-fashion, while Amu also spends a part of the episode baking cookies for Hotari. I wonder whether the creators can turn this into a good love-triangle. This can be especially good for neko-guy, as it seems that Amu and Hotari are pretty much destined for each other.
Still, I like the relationship between the two of them so far. In this episode, Amu learned that she’s not the only one who’s ashamed of his or her Shugo Chara. I’d also love to see the Chara-Change of the final female guardian-member, by the way. Will that turn her ten years younger or something?]]>
“That does make me curious about the Chara-change of neko-guy. I think it’s more than just growing cat-ears. ^^;”
The neko-guy’s greatest desire is actually to become Ritsuka from Loveless. 😛
Maybe the neko-guy has a desire to be loved… I mean.. cats do like affection… and he’s kinda cold on the outside… though during his transformation he didnt seem any warmer… maybe he just wants some one to er… own him…stability or something *shrugs*
i love his little chara guy ^_^”’
Is it only me, or did creators loved utena a lot? 🙂