Short Hiatus

Hey everyone, the next few days I will be gone on a holiday to England, including London where I’ve managed to make an appointment to meet up with a few readers and Salisbury, where I’m going to try and get into Stonehenge, although that turned out to be quite annoying to take care of if you don’t have a credit card….

Anyway, I’ll be back later. Take care, everyone.

12 thoughts on “Short Hiatus

  1. Nice!!
    No clue where you are travelling from, I just hope you
    don’t take our SUNSHINE away – lol
    Nothing like British weather since Our weather changes a lot.

    It’s been hella sunny here in London these couple of days,
    would very much want it to remain so.

    Side note.
    No contact you info, on site?
    Would have liked to joined the meetup.

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