Shion no Ou – 15

Shion versus Yasuoka. How could this episode not turn awesome? It was probably the longest match of the entire series (a bit less than one episode, to be exact). As always, the match was awesome, but what went on around the match was even more interesting! Sure, Shion managed to win, but that’s not what this match was about. It was a nostalgic trip for both Shion and Yasuoka, seeing as this was their first real match. Shion was SO adorable when she was four, and first got into contact with Shougi. I can’t believe that she actually played her first match at that young age, and it’s even more adorable how even then Yasuoka didn’t hold back.

Hisatani and Saori also have quite an interesting relationship. Hisatani has been nervous ever since he realized what he was up against, and Saori just keeps yelling at him to get him back to earth. He’s got his own match to prepare, so he can’t check up on Shion. I also like how Shion ended up winning. The usual spectators have written her down, at that point, and then Satoru suddenly reveals a fail-proof way for Shion to win that everybody else didn’t see. Of course, Yasuoka did see it, and he forfeits.

The episode also ended with a great scene between Satoru and Yasuoka. As usual, Satoru starts taunting, though Yasuoka retorts that Shion’s parents must be proud at how she grew to adulthood. After that, we see a bit more of Satoru’s past: it seems that he actually SAW his father die in the accident that killed him. After that, he shows what could very well be the nicest face that we’ve ever seen from him…

11 thoughts on “Shion no Ou – 15

  1. I love this series so much! I’m really glad I saw you blogging about it. I’m on episode 7 so I haven’t read the post I’m commenting on yet; I just wanted to post on this entry becuase I thought more people would read my comment.

    My question is, did they actually ever say why Ayumi dresses like a girl or did I miss something really big? *I hope I’m not that dense*.


  2. Becky; ’twas explained all the way back in episode 01, 17:20 through 17:33.

    Essentially, if he was trying to become a male kishi it would take longer- I presume the competition is harder. Or supposedly harder. Whatever. The point is he needs the money as soon as possible.

    And Dee Dee, psgels uses some kind of crazy interweb magic to pluck the show out of the air- before it airs. Or possibly uses somekind of obscure p2p program which can’t remember off the top of my head. S/he watches raws anyway, so unless you’ve a good grasp of Japanese it won’t help you much.

  3. I just marathoned 1-13 — for some dumb reason I’ve ignored your reviews till recently but was feeling restless with my current lineup — English subs seem be bottlenecked for a bunch of them — and I picked this up.

    Holy Moses, this is GOOD. Good like full-of-awesome good. Not one weak episode. I think I like this anime better than I like some people.

    If I ignore your advice in the future, clearly I do so at my own peril. ^^

  4. Autonomous Monster : psgels said the s/he uses a share program to download. there are 100s share program i want to know which one. I meant the raw eps. thanks for ur explanation ^^

  5. Dee Dee/Autonomous Monster: first of all, I’m a he, not a she. 😉 And second of all, the program I use is called “Share”. It’s indeed a japanese p2p-sharing program.

  6. oh! Yeah…heh. I figured that out when I watched episode 11 and he commented that he wanted to be in the female ranks for the money.
    I guess I wasn’t paying attention when I watched episode one.

  7. Yay! Subs!

    Ugh, once again, Satoru becomes a bit likable for me again. He really did pull a nice face at the end of the episode. I keep switching between him and Hani-Meijin as the culprit.

    I must not read your Ep 16 entry…I hope the subs for it come soon…

  8. Um.. I think when Hani Satoru read out the moves, it was actually Yasuoka 8-dan that could’ve won. But he didn’t have the foresight to see it or something. He was just proving to the others that he was capable enough to predict the moves.. I think.

  9. I only now got the time to finally watch this series and wow… it’s really awesome so far!

    Yet, for some reason I don’t think that Satoru ist the culprit in that murder case 8 years ago. I mean, sure, everything seems to hint at him but I get the feeling that he has some other reason to torture Shion like that and only (mis)uses the information he has gathered on her.
    My guess for the real culprit for now is that reporter guy. He’s always in the background but seems to know much more than he shows. And wouldn’t it be a nice tactic to use Satoru’s grudge against Shion for his own plans?
    Well, we’ll see.
    I’m just really glad now, that all the episodes are already out because I think I would have gone crazy long ago if I had to wait a week after every episode!

    As for this match: It was really well made and had a wonderful atmosphere. Intense but also somewhat nostalgic. And I liked ho they made Shion’s win a plausible one.
    Yasuoka actually had the lead and could have defeated her but because he was already out of time and had to made every move in only one minute he didn’t manage to see his chance and so Shion won in the end. Really nice idea.

    And now I’m off to watch the rest!
    Really… I would have never thought that I would become this thrilled about a show about Shogi… but it’s true and now I really want to know how it will continue!

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