Shingeki no Bahamut:Genesis- 05

Ah, the story progression that I was looking for. I finally find myself having a reason to get attached to Leone and Kaisar, because this episode devotes an entire episode to their rivalry and is just all around an improvement from last episode.

I’ve talked about how the slow pacing hurts this show, and this is one instance where taking a break from the monotony of side activities does a lot to build the story. In this episode, we follow Leone and Rita (possibly my favorite character so far) as they try to get Kaisar and Amira back, who were captured by demons in the last episode. The old rivalry between Leone and Kaisar finally come to a head, and it’s been delivered in such a satisfying manner here- the rising action was not contrived in any way and it was packed with a lot of tension. Regardless, there remains much to be worried about when talking about where this anime will end up-take Amira’s exponential “moe-ification” and the sluggish pacing, which appeared plenty of times in the last few episodes. Those will, without a doubt, stay relevant as the show moves forward.

In addition, Jeanne D’Arc and the Knights had at most 3 minutes of screen time ever since the series began, so I do think that it’s a mistake for Sato to put them on the sidelines for so long. Jeanne D’Arc is probably the only well-known historical figure in the anime, and she’s yet another character being cast off as a minor supporting character when she has so much potential.

2 thoughts on “Shingeki no Bahamut:Genesis- 05

  1. One thing I like about this show is Kaisar’s sword-fighting. You can tell he is intent to kill because he thrusts with his swords rather than just waves it around. Last anime I remember getting that right was Chevalier D’Eon

  2. Entertaining so far but the plot needs to move. Yes she needs to get Helheim…Yes Leone is seeing dreams of destruction but not telling anyone…Yes kaisar has it wrong about the death of his father. When is all of this going to get resolved and we get to the meat of the matter i wonder.

    Rita is definitely my favorite character in the show right now :-). Straight to the point and asking questions we the audience keep asking as well.

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