Shikabane Hime – 05

Short Synopsis: A bunch of teenagers jack a car and are attacked by a Shikabane.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 6,5/10 (Lacking)
Ack, this series was doing so well, and then that transfer-student popped up. This is all just a pet peeves of me, and I don’t care whether it makes sense or not. It’s not even the fact that she’s a transfer-student, but I personally HATE the scene where suddenly a girl whose prettiness somehow outshines every other girl in school introduces herself to the class, how every single male APART from the lead character makes loud comments on how hot she is, and out of everyone out there, she chooses the male lead as a friend, making every other guy jealous at him. I don’t care how the anime tries to explain it; I don’t bloody care whether it’s important to the story. I’ve just seen the same friggin’ scene way too many times, with hardly any variation. The fun is really gone at this point.

Seriously, anime makes it look like every single good-looking Japanese is continuously travelling the country or something.

In any case, the rest of the episode thankfully proved to be interesting enough to stop this episode from being unimpressive and disappointing. The first is obviously the car-Shikabane, which kidnaps unsuspecting teenagers that are looking for an exciting ride. I mean, you just have to think of it. ^^; The whole action-scene within that car maybe lacked a bit of horror, but nonetheless it was very fun to watch.

At the same time, the creators continue to very slowly give more and more depth to the characters. I mean, the big twist in this episode was no surprise for anyone who read the premise of the series, but it’s like I mentioned before: this series really takes its time, and that’s a good thing so far. At the same time we also see the new bad guy, who is the only one of his… organization (or whatever it’s going to be called) not faded out in the OP.

And really, I don’t hate the new characters or anything. They’ve got potential, but the way in which they were introduced was just… ugh…

5 thoughts on “Shikabane Hime – 05

  1. The _only_ transfer student introduction which I have ever enjoyed was the one in Haruhi Suzumaya. Granted that’s because it was a self parody.

  2. You really do find the wierdest things to complain about, don’t you? I guess that’s why you’re entertaining.

  3. I thought you were talking about Tora Dora ep 5 for a sec, I agree that transfer-student intro scenes have gotten really old.

  4. The transfer student scene has truly been done to death, in all its variations. It’s like 90% of manga & anime featuring school as part of their setting have one of these.

  5. Reminds me of the first episode Kemeko Deluxe which parodied the trope by introducing some ugly guy right at the end of the episode instead of the pink haired girl.

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