Shigofumi ~ Stories of the Last Letter – 12

And so Shigofumi has ended. Surprisingly, it didn’t go as I planned. Fumi didn’t turn into a psychotic killer at all, and she instead became surprisingly likable throughout the episode. It’s really sad that this series is so short, as it would have been able to do great things if it was allowed twelve more episodes. Shigofumi really has its own style, and I believe that it wouldn’t run out of inspiration with two seasons. Ah well, in exchange for its short length, it turned into a short but sweet series.

Basically, Mika went back into Fumi for a while and temporarily disappeared, so that Fumi would be able to lead her own life. Fumi, however, had a lot of trouble in her own life, and just wasn’t suited to be transferred to school so quickly. Everyone took pictures of her, she became paranoid, her own mother didn’t want to have her anymore. In the end, when she runs to Mikawa Kirameki’s house, Mika finally appears again, and smacks her for running away every time. While it wasn’t the best ending, it was great to see the “internal” struggle between Fumi and Mika. In the climax, it finally turned out that both of them had their own needs, but were holding back because of the other. Nice. I like it.

But why? For GOD’S SAKE WHY!? Who the heck found it a good idea to suddenly make Natsuko fall in love with Kaname? It comes from nowhere, serves absolutely no purpose, is very badly developed, and turned her entirely character into a joke. I suppose that the writers wanted to add a bit more extra tension, but that rather backfired on them, just like every umpth series that attempts such a freaking twist!

Ah, now that that’s out, I do hope that more series like Shigofumi appear. Series that create their own style, and don’t try to be like others. This really has been a series with its own identity, and even though the plot was a bit boggled up at times, I had a blast watching it.

10 thoughts on “Shigofumi ~ Stories of the Last Letter – 12

  1. “Who the heck found it a good idea to suddenly make Natsuko fall in love with Kaname?”
    => Hah. Short memory is short.

    Does the name “Ichirou Okouchi” ring a bell ?

    Sweet Jesus do I hate that guy. -__-

  2. Eh? I’m pretty sure she’s had a crush on him ever since their school days and just didn’t let it show because she knew he liked Fumika. It’s quite obvious that she’s in love with him from the first time he calls to ask her about Fumika. But maybe that’s too subtle for guys to notice?:P

  3. I was sure that Natsuko had a crush on Kaname since ever. Like, the first time he calls her, she totally blushes and stammer a lot 😀

    She seems the type that holds back for her friends though…

  4. Natsuko’s crush was pointed out by Chiaki in the hot springs ep, as well as in the phone call. It seemed pretty well established to me, and I was honestly expecting a confession at some point here.

  5. The writers didn’t explore Natsuka’s character closely, which might be the cause of some confusion. But yeah, as mentioned above, they established her feelings (which compelled her to help Kaname in the first place) from the very beginning.

  6. Well Shigofumi IS based on a light-novel, so it is obvious that, like in previous adaptions of japanese novels, they would not include everything.
    I have not yet read the novel myself, but the fact that there are already 4 volumes, makes me believe there is more to the characters than what you learn in the anime.

  7. Man your too dense! There were a number of episodes that showed Natsuko having feelings with Kaname. I’m sorry but I want it out of my system too you know.

  8. >Who the heck found it a good idea to suddenly make Natsuko fall in love with Kaname
    lol that was obvoius from the very first phone call. And i waasn’t the only one who noticed it, i see …

    The ending was weird, i’d bet the 2 Fumikas would reunite as one only being, but that would be a definitive end. Now there’s space for a second serie 🙂 Too many series nowadays try to avoid any kind of definite ending. Normally i hate it, but i’m pretty happy in this case. I long to see some more episodes in the future.

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