Sengoku Basara – 21

Boy, Production IG, you sure are planning to make a lot depend on that ending of yours, with yet another episode without much fighting. This episode again continued to build up, it continued to set the stakes higher (Toshiie Maeda now also turns out to have regrouped and will be part of the final battle as well). Most of this episode was focused on tactical plans, rather than actual fighting (which had little tactical purpose). And that with three episodes left.

One criticism to all this build up is that the creators could have told us more about the different characters, like give them more background, show them as they were younger, that kind of stuff. The characters all have their issues here, but I feel like the creators could have made more use of that if they were going to spend a lot of time building up anyway. Still, I admit that the creators did well in fleshing out their characters. While not the best, this show did put in some effort to show different sides of them, another one of the points at which I feel this series is superior to the first season, even though the first season had much more action.
Rating: * (Good)

One thought on “Sengoku Basara – 21

  1. I really, really hope there’s going to be a third season. (Of course there won’t, but I can hope, can’t I? 🙁 ) One, that successfully merges crazy, over the top action and sensible plot.

    Also, this episode at least had some good laughs. Yukimura getting owned by Musashi was clichĂ©d but it made me laugh, and Masamune and Motochika’s little affair was also fun. (lol retainers) And it was nice to see Yukimura and Masamune think about each other. Their MANLY RIVALRY (with a side of fanservice…) has really taken a backseat lately.

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