Seirei no Moribito – 06

I like it when Seirei no Moribito comes with an eventful episode. Not necessarily because of the action, but episodes like these are much easier to understand. The previous episodes were just nearly impossible to grasp for me, without looking at summaries by other people, but with this episode, I at least got the main points. Still, that doesn’t mean that I understood everything. Shuga and his role still are one big mystery to me. Why is he so important? What kinds of books is he reading? And what relevance do these books have to the story? Even after reading the summaries from others, I still can’t understand this. Anyway, the episode itself is about a failed attempt to run away by Barsa and Chaggumu. Chaggumu first gets his hair cut, and his earrings are removed. It pains him to lose the few items he still holds that remind him of his mother, so Barsa turns one of these earrings into a necklace. We meanwhile see all of the warriors from episode three, who are planning their next move. One of them still is wounded on his eye (courtesy of Barsa), another still has a cut on his face. Their boss was merely hit unconscious, so he has been able to recover. He takes the fourth guy with him, to go after Barsa. Barsa, meanwhile takes off with Chaggumu and Torogai-shi. I also finally understood why she involved herself with Chaggumu in the first place. She foresaw a great drought, and this egg inside of Chaggumu seemed to be the source. The question now remains: what will she be doing in order to prevent this? I haven’t been able to find that one out. In any case, Torogai-shi splits up from Barsa and Chaggumu, probably to check and make sure nobody follows them. The two assassins, meanwhile, demonstrate again that they’re superb trackers. I’m not sure what kind of reasoning they used, but they found Barsa and Chaggumu quite fast. If I’m not mistaken, then they noticed some horse’s hoofs which didn’t belong to a horse from the military. A chase follows, and Chaggumu notices that Barsa’s wound still hasn’t fully healed, and it actually starts bleeding again when Barsa starts pushing herself. The purpose of the wolf also finally becomes clear: it’s with Torogai-shi. Just before Barsa is overtaken, it pushes the horse they’re riding on off a cliff, and through some kind of poisonous gas. Because it happened so fast, they didn’t breathe any of it, but if the assassins were to try and get them, they’d end up dead. At least, that’s what I figure, as they just let the two of them go. It’s strange that they didn’t just wait and see where they would be going, though. Afterwards, we see that Barsa has gone back to Tanda, in order to rest again. I guess that’s her weakness: she’s so much focused on her goal that she thinks she can handle things, while she actually can’t. The fact that the prince cut his hair also made a lot more impact than I suspected. Or did these assassins actually think he died when he was attacked by the wolf? Ah well, they’ll find out soon he didn’t when they’re going to pick up his body and it ends up missing. Finally, I remember noting that the music isn’t that special after watching the first episode, and I couldn’t have been more wrong. The music has been excellent so far, especially during the chase it consisted out of some great tunes. :)]]>

0 thoughts on “Seirei no Moribito – 06

  1. Shuga’s role is that he’s trying to read the ancient and secret writings of the stargazers for more information about what’s inside Chagum. When they read Torogai’s letter predicting the danger of the drought, the Seidoushi realized they’d better do more research. Unfortunately, the writing is in old Yogo, which is difficult to read.
    I don’t think the giant wolf is the same wolf that was shown in episode 3.
    And yes, the hunters gave up because they thought the wolf killed the prince.

  2. Ah, thanks for clarifying, I can now see that Shuga’s probably going to play a big part in the later half of this anime.
    Also, I looked back at some screenshots of episode three, and that wolf looked awfully similar to the one we just saw. But then again, you read the novel, so there must be more wolves like these. I do wonder where they come from, though, and what their role in this story will be.

  3. The wolf in this ep is the same to the one in ep.3. It is awfully giant. It is a savor. Its’ role is to prove to the 2 hunters that the prince and Barsa have died by giving them the prince’s hair and a piece of clothes. That is why the prince cut his hair to trick the hunters that he is dead. Actually, when you review this ep., you will see that Barsa and the prince flee by land as covered pedestrians. They across the big rock. Therefore, the 2 death bodies that the 2 hunters take at the valley are fake. The people attended the prince’s funeral without any idea that the body in the coffin is fake. This is a great trick done by Barsa and Torogashi’s magic.

  4. Moreover, Barsa brings Tanda with her during the journey to cure her wounds. She didn’t get back to Tanda’s place. Tanda, who answers the question of a soldier, is a fake one. Another trick of old Torogashi

  5. I have to say: whoa. I never thought that this episode would be that deep, and that most of it actually involved some fake bodies. I originally thought that those were the real Barsa and Chaggumu who fell off that cliff, but now it seems that they were just using some fake bodies for that chase…

  6. My knowledge about this ep. is based on analyzing it without understanding Japanese. I just like you guys who only speak English, but it is much fun to do this, you know!!! I love this blog.

  7. Minhngoc: whoa, after seeing the episode in subtitles again, I suddenly realize what were talking about. These pedestrians also just look way too much like Barsa, Chaggumu and Tanda. I admire you for actually figuring this out, as you’d need to pay a lot of attention in order to be able to pick it up.
    Still, I wonder what the conversation at the end, between Barsa and Tanda was about. Are these fake bodies as well?

  8. Torogashi is way too powerful in fooling the trackers with fakes, and it’s hard to believe that Barsa would allow innocents to be sacrificed for her and Chagmu that easily – and the double doesn’t explain how Chagmu & Barsa actually got away from the trackers.
    Unless this is explained in the next episode, Torogashi may be a cover for bad writing, although this episode was fantastic regardless of the easy cop-out.

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