Seasonal Anime Podcast – Episode 3

Hey everyone, we’re back with another podcast. This time it’s about a director (Seiji Kishi), a writer (Mari Okada) and an animation studio (Bones). It’s about an hour length in total, and in it are Deadlights, Juno, Slashe (Nihon Review) and Mr. Flawfinder (Standing On My Neck). Enjoy, for those of you who are interested.

3 thoughts on “Seasonal Anime Podcast – Episode 3

  1. I love your guys’ podcast. I would definitely love to see you do them more often.

    I didn’t like Darker Than Black too much, but I agree with Psgels and Juno that Eureka Seven is their best work

  2. I’ll definitely participate in the next podcast.
    On a side note, fantastic job guys, Eureka 7 is my favorite anime of all time, glad to see you guys speaking well about it <3

  3. I just think Eureka Seven is okay, and only when I’m watching the English dub personally. I like the big moments, but the rest of the show irritated me with world-building and character development that took too long to go anywhere (and in Renton’s case, didn’t go anywhere). Dominic and Anemone shoulda been the main characters goddammit!

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