Seasonal Anime Podcast – Episode 2 – Spring Season 2013 Overview

Hey guys, I’ve participated in another one of by initiative of Deadlight‘s podcasts, along with Juno, Sushi and Slashe. This time we talk about the past spring season and you can find it here:

If you’re interested, go ahead and give it a listen.

11 thoughts on “Seasonal Anime Podcast – Episode 2 – Spring Season 2013 Overview

  1. Who was the guy that was arguing against Aku no Hana? He didn’t really add anything to the discussion. He just really really wanted to hate the show and seemed to be inventing flaws to substantiate his opinion.

      1. But I get what he means. When actual background objects and people were rotoscoped, they were given minimalist detail, and it stood out. Despite liking the show, I noticed this and it irked me, too.

      2. @jwemf: His name is Sushi and I thought he was pretty cool (except for his God-awful microphone)

        I don’t think Sushi really made up any of his flaws. He said that the pacing was too slow for him and that he wasn’t too fond of any of the characters. It seems legit to me.

    1. I wasn’t making up flaws, those were genuine problems the series suffered from. Nevertheless, thanks for your feedback, will try to improve next time. That and the microphone -_____-

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