Seasonal Anime Podcast – Episode 1 – Summer 2013 Preview

So yeah, I participated in an anime podcast for the first time, by initiative of Deadlights, alongside Scamp and Juno. You can find it over here:

Go give it a listen if you’re interested.

23 thoughts on “Seasonal Anime Podcast – Episode 1 – Summer 2013 Preview

  1. Pretty good. Have you ever thought about doing a Podcast on your own for anime? I think that would be cool, to have a weekly podcast going over reviews for the shows you like and just discussing them.

      1. I feel that this podcast thing was a great idea by deadlights and something new/refreshing for psgels to do and I’d feel the same way if he did his own podcast.
        Also in the least creepiest way possible, you have an attractive voice XP

  2. I would love to a podcast, even to get a few words on shows you might not be writing about but are still watching and what you think of them

  3. Well, I have been thinking a bit. But what would you say if I did small podcasts about series that I watched in the past? Something like a podcast about random recommendations?

    1. I do like the sound of that Mr Gels, that may also be a good opportunity to talk about shows you watched before you started this blog too.

  4. lol Do you even have TIME for making podcasts? XD
    I mean, at least we’ve got the seasonal one we can do every 2 months or so to preview and sum up anime upcoming/current anime.

    That said, short ones based on old series you get into would be great. You could do them whenever you had time and it’d be slightly different than what we usually get on youtube, with everyone trying to compete with reviews for new shows…

  5. As starry says you shouldn’t get overwhelmed. Unless you have a strategy for your future.

    I like the idea of a podcast for old school shows. Some of them are real diamonds that deserve rediscovering.

    1. It’s just like I don’t get why he like the Blood C-, but to each his own I get. Everyone has the right to have their taste. Besides, his voice is really cute…

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