Sasami Mahou Shoujo Club – 16 – Surprisingly Dark Story

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Okay, this story just keeps getting more and more interesting. And remember that we’re only at episode 3 of 13, which means that there’s still a lot that has to happen. This was another episode with difficult dialogue, so I didn’t pick up everything. Especially the plans of the magic people are still a mystery to me, though by the looks of it, they plan to actually use Sasami and the others for their goals.

We start the episode with Sasami’s father revealing that he actually does come from the magic world, or that he can at least use magic. He definitely wants to save Sasami and the others, and comes up with a plan. We then switch to Sasami and the others, along with Itoki and the others. There’s its demonstrated what the power of the members of the mahou shoujo club combined can actually manage. Quite an explosion follows.

Misao, also, is changing. More than anyone else. For one of the first times, she actually has people who care for her, and give her attention. She’s also been progressing more than any other because of this. This issue definitely will get worse as the anime progresses. Last episode also showed that she’s growing way from Sasami more and more. Her broken ring, which breaks during this episode, is only more proof of this.

Sasami’s father’s plan: Washuu and Daimon go and rescue the girls, while he himself goe to check up on Amitabu. I’m not sure what his link is in this, didn’t manage to pick that one up. Meanwhile, it’s become evening, and Sasami hears Amitabu’s harp again, so she heads out. Ryouki meanwhile acts as bait, while Washuu and Daimon sneak into the dormitories. They wake up the four remaining girls, and urge them to leave the magical world, not stating their reasons. Misao refuses in the beginning, seeing as everyone has been treating her so kindly. In the end, Washuu pushes her to go anyway.

We then switch to Sasami’s father, who arrives at a huge tree. In this tree, a second Amitabu has been captured in thorns. That means that there are two of them, one who’s been dancing with Sasami and who met Sasami’s father at the beach, and the one who’s been caught in thorns. Just what is the meaning of this. Has it already been revealed, or is it supposed to be a mystery? (*kicks lack of Japanese*)

Sasami, meanwhile, runs into the other Amitabu, playing on his harp again. The meeting started very cute, but took a surprising twist when Amitabu learned of Sasami’s father. (Apparently, he’s named Ginji). He suddenly turns serious, grabs her and flies off.

After this, Washuu really came in her element, when she guided Tsukasa, Anri, Misao and Makoto back to the entrance of the human world. She looked almost freaky in her desires to keep the girls safe. She meets up with Ginji, who discovers that Sasami’s gone. The latter then goes to look for her and sees Amitabu fly through the sky with Sasami in his arms. Sasami, however, isn’t scared at all. She’s after all, still in love with him, and actually falls asleep in his arms.

I think that in the past, Ginji and Amitabu had some kind of history, in which they were close friends. Ginji then did something along the lines of abandoning Amitabu. That’s what made him so happy when he saw him again, though I think that Amitabu still has a grudge against him. But what does this have to do with the bridge from the magical world to the human world? And what role do the demons have in this picture?

I absolutely loved the following scene. Washuu and the others have to jump off a considerably high cliff in order to flee to the human world. Washuu tries to act all brave, though when she attempts to catch the jumping Tsukasa, she most probably made some miscalculations. Whent hey almost reached the gate, the other witches arrive. Ginji, meanwhile, caught up with Amitabu, who confirms even more that he was left alone. But for some reason, this Amitabu speaks in third person.

Washuu, meanwile, uses a strange grenade which creates another link to the human world. Ginji, Amitabu and Sasami arrive as well. The head witch tries to stop them, though for some reason, she doesn’t want to go against either Ginji or Amitabu. Washuu, Daimon, Ginji and the girls then head to the human world, and Sasami says goodbye to Amitabu, who flies off afterwards.

We end the episode at some kind of witch council. It’s surrounded by white trees, and a strange voice sounds. He keeps calling certain persons traitors. He also says something completely inaudible.

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