Samurai Flamenco – 05

This episode was a bit awkward to sit through, because it was focused a lot on the characters having doubts about what they should do. An introspection episode in which most of the main cast had an off period and didn’t feel too good: Hidenori’s relationship issues, Masayoshi realizing that what he saw as heroes is just a produced TV-show, and Mari also feeling… something that isn’t exactly explained yet.

It’s all about expectations that aren’t met up, and especially Masayoshi starts acting a bit immature, not realizing that some things just don’t work when shooting a movie, like lots of rain, or the risks that come with using someone unqualified for stunts. Everyone’s sense of justice is different, and this lead to qite an early break-up between Samurai Flamenco and Flamenco Girl.

Nitpick time: when Masayoshi returns to Flamenco Girl when she’s in trouble: how did he find her? Did they agree to wear trackers or something in order to be able to find each other?
Rating: 4.5/8 (Good)

6 thoughts on “Samurai Flamenco – 05

  1. I’m not sure how many ponts (if any)the show lost because of that nitpick, but I imagine there could have been many reasons for that. As for the actual episode, I liked it, and while I’m fine with Flamenco Girl being in the picture, I’m glad she isn’t with Samurai Flamenco anymore. He is pretty inspiring when he is by himself, and the show is better off with them separate. Same thing with Red Axe or whatever his name is, he was/is in the picture, but he doesn’t interfere with Flamenco (he is always too busy and cancels). As for Gotto’s girl, I have a feeling she will be very important later in this series somehow.

  2. “the risks that come with using someone unqualified for stunts”
    Not so much about being unqualified. Even with someone qualified, the risk is that if an accident happen, they will have to change the script/plan because the actual actor will be injured – there are other stuntmen for replacement if the stuntman is injured, but they can’t replace the actor without changing the script/plan. This was exactly the case for the original Kamen Rider actor, who did his own stunts and got injured – then a new character Kamen Rider 2 was created to fill in his role while he was recovering.

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