Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo – 06

Now this was a very emotional episode, especially for Nanami. From the previous episode it would become clear that at some point it would be too much for her, and this episode immediately goes with it. Unlike Sorata who sits behind his pc all the time, she has a part time job, she has to put a lot of energy in getting her voice right. She’s overworked herself pretty badly, but what really impressed me in this episode was that despite collapsing, she still tried to go to her audition. Of course it was a complete mess and she failed horribly, but it was a worthy experience for her.

So from now on it seems like they’re going to split Mashiro duty, which seems to be the wisest choice. To split the load and stuff. The chemistry between the characters by the way still was great in this episode. Mashiro in particular was as sharp as usual again. She makes the most hard-hitting lines right from out of nowhere.

Meanwhile, the creators are doing a very good job in building up the subplot between Misaki and Jin, and it really works from both sides: I really felt Misaki’s loneliness there, but on the other hand Jin is a great character to watch as well. We still don’t quite know why he is purposefully trying to stay away from her, but this episode took it even further by showing that within a year he’ll be gone.
Rating: 5.5/8 (Excellent)

12 thoughts on “Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo – 06

  1. please try harder to make it seem like this show is actually doing something worthwhile. unless you’re trying to make up for being too harsh on shows like this in the past, I really just can’t understand…but to each his/her own!

    still hilarious to me that whenever a character is ‘overworked’ and starts to develop symptoms what might at the ultimate worst become the common cold, they make it seem as if a life is on the line and an entire half of an episode is dedicated to their pitiable situation with ensuing drama rain and downcast eyes (till the ‘hero’ comes and finds them to wake them from their ‘nightmare’). in reality it’s not a big deal take some ibuprofen get some rest and you just move on with your life.

    this show had some great energy in the first episode, but after that man…I just don’t know what to say.

    1. ‘each to his own’ … yup someone else has a different opinion. Doesn’t mean you’re right or they are wrong!

      I do tend to agree though that the predictability has increased a little with the last 2 episodes. It was clear that a crash was coming. However I still think the characterisations were well done and some of the gags have been awesome.

  2. Is it overblown and often quite obvious? Definitely. Take that as you will.

    But anyway, I dedicate this post to cats. Yes, cats. The glue of this series.
    #1: Omurice cat drawing; Mashiro’s food, cooked by Aoyama
    #2: White cat takes up space visually as well as filling gaps in the dialogue; gets held by Misaki tighter and tighter as she talks to Sorata about Jin
    #3: Black cat interrupts Sorata’s design proposal submission countdown
    #4: Two cats sleep in morning sun; Aoyama wakes up to find Mashiro holding her hand, with Mashiro sleeping with the same expression and position (more or less) as the cats
    #5: Aoyama has a quick exchange with Torajirou, the stuffed animal (pillow?) cat

    For #5, note how the mouth changes sizes and shapes relative to the rest of the head. Standard animation trick for visual impact:

      1. Nah, only cats in this episode. They saved the episode, as far as I’m concerned. But thanks for the suggestion.

  3. Frankly I’m loving this show and yes, as far as story telling goes they are doing a decent job. The only thing I can’t believe is J.C. Staff doing such a decent job. Then again, I’m not particularly well versed in things like production studious or whatnot. I just watch.

    1. I guess, although I do find that using the “haters gonna hate” thing is turning into a bit of a too easy excuse. Everyone is just as entitled to like and dislike this series.

  4. In my opinion the show isn’t very good, but neither is THAT bad. Psgels may look like he’s justifying his like for it too much but I believe that’s just how he writes. Also, sometimes we forgot to watch things we enjoy just for the sake of it, so I think everyone needs to take a break and just get entertained every now and then.

    1. well said!

      I mainly just wish sometimes that the leniency and praise given to something like this could somehow be translated into less hate and disregard for other shows that are equally as generic and flawed.

      at the end of the day we’re all human tho I guess.

  5. When a series is all about harem/ecchi stuff or have “unnecessary” ecchi scene, you said it (that’s nice). But when this anime in particular (and some others) have this kind of stuff and you just don’t say it and give above average ratings… What’s the criteria?

    I don’t know about your criteria, but Kanojo cannot have more (or just the same) rating than Jojo and Sukiite (for example).

    Of course, that’s not about anyone’s taste of animes, everyone can have their opinions, but… The lack of criteria in a lot of reviewers is what lead people to don’t trust them (not talking about you, because I just don’t see your criteria).

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