Sakamichi no Apollon – 12

So, while Tsuritama may have edged Apollon in terms of the pre-finale episodes, in terms of the ending Apollon is far superior. In fact, this was by far the best ending of the season, and the type of ending that I’ve been waiting for a long time. The episodes leading up to this indeed were a bit soap-opera-ish, but this episode turns all of that around and completely makes up for them.

This was one of the best epilogues I’ve seen in a long while, and it made brilliant use f how Noitamina is aimed at an older audience. Because of this, it was able to give a great characterization to the characters in their versions of eight years later, in which they all went their own ways. In Tsuritama, the epilogue just showed random couples forming, or people chasing their dreams, but this was so much better, as it showed of nearly everyone how they ended up groing up and the people that they turned into.

I have been especially waiting for a romantic ending like this. I mean, romance endings are usually of two types: the characters finally confess to each other and live happily ever after, or nothing happens and they remain in a state of “will they won’t they”. Then this episode came along with Kaoru finally making his moves… only to screw up completely.

I love how that one played out: romance in anime is always made out to be this absolute factor. Here however, things just didn’t work out. Ritsuko had her moments where she really disliked what Kaoru did, but in the end she still likes him, just not enough to get into a relationship with him. Too bad. And after that everyone just goes on with their own lives. Thank you for this ending, Apollon. Your characterization was always a step above the rest, and this episode cemented that.
Rating: *** (Awesome)

9 thoughts on “Sakamichi no Apollon – 12

  1. pgels, if you think that was good, you really ought to make an exception and read the 9th volume of Sakamichi no Apollon.

    There probably wasn’t much else to do with the ridiculous 12 episodes format but this was actually an anime original ending because they had to suppress a major arc of Kaoru and rewrite the ending for it to make sense.

    The actual ending is at the very least 3 times better than what was shown.

    I’ll even make it easy for you –

    It’s pretty infuriating how inflexible those anime schedules are because with a 18 episodes season, Sakamichi no Apollon could have risen to be a masterpiece instead of a good but incomplete anime adaptation. Hell, even 1 extra episode could have given it the time to air the real ending of the series but nope, anime schedules ruin the ending of a great series yet again.

    1. I would disagree. The manga ending reads like a ‘Days of our Lives’ episode. The anime ending is better in every way

  2. The first half of this episode was great. I did quite like how Kaoru messed things up. I felt the second half was rushed, though. Oh well.

    It’s… definitely weird seeing Sentarou as a priest.

  3. Apollon best ending of the season………….. Did i just travel into another dimension

    I though it was ok, but far from being good. the relationship continue to be unresolved, in which people were hyping it isn’t going to happen, in early episode. At the end the situation pretty much back to square one, and it happen pretty much in every single episode till now.

    8 year time gap is nothing more then a weak stunt. All character only look a little bit different and that it

  4. I have a really hard time believing that anybody would care that much after 8 years. I mean, people change so much after high school that I feel like after all that time Kaoru would have completely moved on and everything. Thats why I didn’t really enjoy the ending. On top of that it kind of felt random having Yurika show up out of nowhere with a random picture of Sentarou.

    I dont know, I preferred Tsuritama’s ending much more than Sakamichi’s, and preffered it more in the long run as well.

  5. So, while Tsuritama may have edged Apollon in terms of the pre-finale episodes, in terms of the ending Apollon is far superior.

    wut. just… wut.

  6. One of the few times where I strongly disagree with psgels about something

    I thought the ending was mediocre at best. A nice bit of jamming at the end, but oh yeah the three of them just so randomly meet up again after 8 years


    psgels, I think you’re seeing this through some heavily rose tinted glasses.

    Not wathed tsuritama’s ending yet, but do doubt that it could end in a worse way than this one.
    I love the music, and I love a lot of Sakamichi, but this ending did not deserve an awesome, or even an excellent.

  7. I’m going to back-up psgels on this one. Apollon’s ending was superb. And it shows the creative team really knew what they were doing when they condensed it. Let me explain why. The show is about the main 3 characters getting along as friends. The romance stuff, while important to the show, is not the focus (the manga may be different, with more of a focus on Kaoru).

    In fact, the romance stuff often breaks them apart as friends causing jealousy and mistrust between them. The key to understanding this last episode is think of ritsuko’s fondness of the photograph and harsh reaction to kaoru’s callous dismissal of his friendship with sentaro.

    She expresses how much she loved it when everyone was happy and got along. SO, since this show is about this friendship, it skips over all the years where everyone is apart to the crucial point where kaoru learns of sentaro’s location.

    They re-unite. They bond over music. Just like old times. They go running down a slope. Just like old times. Where they meet ritsuko, who sees what she had been longing for: the two of them laughing and being friends. Just like old times.

    And she smiles.

    Such a satisfying ending. The people behind this show knew what they were doing. MY GOD such masterful storytelling.


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