Sakamichi no Apollon – 03

Holy crap. This episode would be about the romance. The girl that caught Sentarou’s fancy last episode turns out to be Yurika Fukahori, who is one year above him. For a moment, this episode really had me face-palm: Kaoru arranges a double date for the four lead characters, and through some well-timed lines Ritsuko ends up thinking that Kaoru likes Yuriko instead. Not another one of those love triangles that take ages to get anywhere! And at the end of this episode, I was blown away.

Um, Sakamichi no Apollon… you’ve got eight episodes left, haven’t you? In this episode you went through what most series take 10 episodes to establish. This episode was penultimate episode material, that’s how much stuff happened. For once it had a wonderful combination between characters unable to say anything, and them actually being proactive about their feelings. Both Sentarou and Kaoru managed to overcome their anxieties and confess to the girl they liked. Everyone changed in this episode.

Instead of everyone being completely clueless, people actually picked up on subtle cues on how everyone behaved. Kaoru realized that Ritsuko doesn’t like him, and Ritsuko also realized that Sentaou would go away from her. The scene that made the most impact on me this episode was the one at the roof, where Kaoru’s anger for making Ritsuko cry was really well portrayed (it also was backed by a wonderful soundtrack).
Rating: *** (Awesome)

34 thoughts on “Sakamichi no Apollon – 03

  1. “In this episode you went through what most series take 10 episodes to establish” So true! But I’m really happy with this quick but good development! Especially because I want to see the scene in the manga that I want to see in the anime!

    I hope the scene I want would appear in the anime! If not, there must be a season 2!!!!

  2. It’s actually nine. This is a 12-episode show, and I’m wondering how Watanabe plans to adapt the entire series in that amount of time.

    1. This is a Noitamina show which are usually 11 episodes per cour. Anyway I absolutely loved this episode and I’m soooo tempted to just read ahead in the Manga.

  3. I’d love a season two for this myself. I just read the third volume of the manga which offers some great character development and makes way for some good drama and I hope the anime will get that far.

  4. often does Noitamina do two seasons?
    In any case, expect (that is if they continue to faithfully adapt the manga) this to keep getting better with ever episode.

    1. If I’m not mistaken, then it hasn’t been done before. No Noitamina series has received a second season before. The triangle relationship isn’t even close to be resolved in the manga. If the anime will remain faithful to the manga, then how in the world will the romance be resolved?

      1. I was wrong. LoL. Should have checked before commenting. Only Honey and Clover and Nodame Cantabile got a season 2. And they’re both slice of life series, so history has shown that Sakamichi no Apollon “could” get a second season.

        1. I remember reading somewhere that Usagi Drop might get a second season, so there is a chance that Apollon might get one. It does have the credibility (production team) to back it, even if it doesn’t appeal to the masses.

          The manga ends at volume 9 right? Might be hard for them to cover everything in 12 eps, but who knows.

          1. “Might be hard for them to cover everything in 12 eps, but who knows.”

            Well, gotta disagree with that. They are in volume 2 now and to think that each chapter consist of 35 pages. The series has a surprisingly fast pacing that does not drag it too fast.

  5. Such an amazing series. Reminds me of some of Miyazaki’s movies like “I can hear the sea”. Nostalgic and bittersweet. I’m sure it will be great no matter how it ends but I think I should drop it. It makes me feel moody and even a little depressed.

  6. “In this episode you went through what most series take 10 episodes to establish.” – well yes, because for most series the UST is central to the plot/characterization. Apollon simply puts the emphasis elsewhere as far as romance is concerned (I mean, you don’t think this was all, do you…? ^^;; )

  7. Perhaps writers and mangakas are taking the hint that the long drawn out UST of previous romances are getting trite, boring, and driving away potential audiences?

    1. I’d say the quality of the romance here may have something to do with the adult target demographic but I see what your saying its still valid.

  8. I was seriously moved by this episode. Amazing.

    This might be the best relationship / romance ever portrayed in anime because it’s just so damned real. It seriously gave me nostalgia and tingles.

  9. The manga completed with 9 Volumes, so far with 3 Episodes in the anime is about at the end of the second volume. So they actually could manage to conclude the manga in the next eight or nine episodes.

  10. I have to say Bravo. This was an excellent episode and it’s exciting to think NoitaminA might be back to its original glory.

    1. Totally agree. Shows like THIS are what Noitamina is all about.

      Last season, seeing Guilty Crown stink up the time-slot was really distressing.

      I am actually looking forward to this show next week even more than Fate/Zero, and that’s saying alot.

      1. Oh god. Please don’t remind us of Guilty Crown. That show was only for visual spectacle. Its substance (if actually has one) was all over the place.

  11. Well, I’m kind of surprised at this reaction. I found this episode very melodramatic, and the relationships feel extremely superficial. This series has gone from an interesting, jazz-influenced drama to a teenage soap opera in one episode.

    I agree this episode went through 10 episodes worth of material. But I don’t consider it a good thing to skip through character development in favour of immediately thrusting a bunch of people we just met 2 episodes ago into drama that I’m supposed to care about.

    Huge disappointment after a stellar first episode.

    1. I actually agree with this response more than any. This show has good animation and well written music, but everything about it feels saccharine and artificial to me. There is no thematic gravity, no message or moral – just some sweet flavored teen nostalgia and sugar pop fairy tale. I don’t need to see another teenage love drama with a different coat of paint. Count me out methinks. Unless this show reveals some deep truth about the human psyche its probably just going to be a distraction.

  12. Awesome episode this week and the quality is back again like the 1st episode. The drawing for episode 2 was really weak and was a big distraction for me that I couldn’t enjoy the story line. However, this week, I wholly enjoyed it like the 1st episode. Love this anime and wish there’s a 2nd season.

    1. Well then, brace yourself cuz Watanabe himself had said that he’s going to animate the whole completed 9 vol manga into 12 eps anime. I love this ep myself despite the fast pacing but they manage to make it flow naturally and didn’t feel like moving in the speed of lightning despite there’re few things they cut here and there. I’m quite optimist that Watanabe can make this 12 eps into something great by the end of it.

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