Saiunkoku Monogatari – 61

Well, one of my predictions came true: this arc is much more fast-paced than the previous one. In only four episodes, the case of the counterfeiters has been solved. Compare that to Eigetsu, being stuck inside that cave for roughly ten episodes. I think the largest purpose of that arc was to introduce Tantan-kun, who looks like he’s going to play a major role in the final parts of this anime. I indeed had a feeling that it was his father who was behind the counterfeiting and the abduction of Kailing’s child. It seems that someone made him do it, though, which hints to a connection with Riou. In any case, this episode was as heart-warming as ever, and I’m really glad to see that Saiunkoku Monogatari is catching steam again. And I think that we can only expect even better things from now on, as Shouka, small Riou and big Riou should be getting some more attention again. You can especially see that in the very last scene of the episode: I’ll be darned if that wasn’t some kind of foreshadowing, with the newly sprouting flowers of the tree being subjected to a gust of wind. I’m also glad that I’m warming up more and more to the comedy, which has returned with the beginning of this arc. Especially Seiran’s impression of Shuurei was priceless.]]>

0 thoughts on “Saiunkoku Monogatari – 61

  1. is saiunkoku monegatari ep61 the same as season2episode21 or s02ep22 ?
    because i just found s02ep21 and not 22~~

  2. The first season had 39 episodes, so do the math: this one’s the 22nd episode of the second season. If it hasn’t showed up yet on Tokyo Toshokan, then that just means that the raw-providers are lazy.

  3. episode 61 here is episode 22 if you start counting from the second series, which can be found through the japanese official website.
    the episode 60 and on is psgels’ way of keeping track on the blog (…am i right? ^^6 )

  4. Ooh, that’s great to hear! I normally don’t look at previews because of the spoilers and all, but I’m glad to see that we’re finally about to find out how the heck the guy survived. 🙂

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