Ah, Saiunkoku Monogatari is finally back! The episode really reminded me of the first half of the first season again, when Shuurei still finds herself very busy in the main capital. The OP-animation has changed, there’s a new ED and I’m back in love with this series! Another thing I noticed: the OP and especially the ED never really focused on the people, back in the Sa-province. This does suggest that the current arc will be focusing on the old characters, instead of the new ones, and I’m SO glad about this. The characters from the first half definitely are more interesting than the new ones.
The most important development in this episode definitely came from Kouyuu. His uncle decides to visit him (Kou Kurou) and finally carries out his plan to get Kouyuu as the head of the Kou-clan if he accepts Shuurei as his wife. Obviously, he’s going to become very interesting in the future, as it’s probably clear now that he’s in love with her.
Shuurei was AWESOME. The episode focuses on Tei Yuushun and Sai Rin, asking to come and visit Shuurei’s house, when Shuurei suddenly realizes that nobody has cleaned there for ages. ^^; The male characters have gone to the “demon’s banquet”, or a place where everyone can drink his sorrows away alongside each other, and they decide to go to Shuurei’s place after that too place. Obviously, Shuurei demonstrates how dangerous she can be when Seiran, Shouka, Shuuei and Kouyuu keep getting in her way, time after time, because they’re all so drunk (or in Shouka’s case, just clumsy). She looked so cute when her efforts weren’t enough, and Tei Yuushun had to see giving a tantrum. ^_^:
Seiran begins to realize more and more that Shuurei actually doesn’t need him. In fact, he actually needs her, and it’s like that for Shouka as well. He goes to the Demon’s Banquet as well, because of this (and almost ends up shooting Ran after drinking a bit ^^;). I can imagine that it’s difficult for him. Shuurei and Shouka have done so much for him, and he can’t even repay her. In fact, he never really saved her, and the only times she actually needed to be saved (when she was kidnapped and when Sakujun kissed her), either Ryuuki was the one to take up this role, or he wasn’t able to do anything at all, even though he stood right before it happening.
Shuuei also attends the Demon’s Banquet, but it seems that he’s been avoiding it for quite a few years. I wonder why, as the previous episodes did show that he quite often visits the red-lights district. He’s quite interesting when he’s drunk, by the way. He’s very silent, and his usual witty remarks are gone.
Still, rule number one: NEVER make Shuurei angry. Never. ^^;]]>
Has the sub for this episode come out? If it has, could you please tell me where it is (I’m not sure if I am allowed to ask this question, if I am not , you can delete this)
you can find the sub on tokyo toshokan, it’s by we suck. 😉
Thank you. At last I got to watch Saiunkoku Monogatari subbed!
It was fun to watch a light episode after the last arc. Kouyuu’s face when he finds out
that his uncle’s plan for him was priceless, the poor guy.
If you hadn’t mentioned it, I would have thought that Shuuei wasn’t drunk. Its interesting that he is quite when he is drunk. I realized that we don’t know anything about him.
Interesting timing. We Suck decides to carry on with subbing, releases season 2 ep 1, Geneon announces release of first disk in July the next day, We Suck yanks back S2Ep1. Glad I got it when I did.
Good that it’s been licensed, and I’ll happily buy them all, but I hope Geneon carries on for the duration of the series. Seems like the license is for season 1, nothing said about season 2. I need these things spelled out for me before I believe it.
It’s difficult to see others happily watching while I wait till probably 2008 to see episode 41. Pardon me while I throw a Veruca Salt fit. 🙂
Fansubbing… breaks your heart for the noblest of reasons.
Oh, I’ve been fearing for this. I mean, of course it’s great to see this one lisenced, but unfortunately I live in Holland with its crappy anime-industry. It’s sad to see that We Suck has also decided to drop subbing the second season.
Release date appears to be slightly wrong on animeondvd.com. ANN reports August 28 as the North American release date. Sigh.
I wish licensing companies would take a cue from Viz — they now appear to be making *some* effort to catch up with the Japanese release schedule and also match the way this media is actually consumed (Naruto manga acceleration, Death Note direct download). I can’t help but think that this kind of enormous time lag is leaving money and goodwill on the table. Just my two cents.
Sadness. Just a second you’re soo happy that We-Suck has released the first episode of Season 2, then before you know it, all that happiness is stripped away as Geneon formally announces the DVD release (and of course We-Suck formally dropping the second season) >__
(sorry… comment got cut off =__=)
I certainly hope I’ll be able to keep up with watching and understanding the second season (and give it more love), despite the lack of knowledge in historical terms and stuff =___=
Yeah, I’m going to attempt watching the series raw again. And I’m probably going to make thankful use of the summaries on THAT Animeblog.
I’ve recently started blogging season 2 as well… but it proves to be quite a challenge indeed… .___. identifying all those historical names and other dialogues takes up quite a lot of time. I ended up making my summaries as detailed as possible to also help out other people understand the raws. My storytelling is still far from great, but perhaps you’d like to check them out as well ^^
first ep by suck if any one wants it