Saiunkoku Monogatari – 36

Image Uploaded by ImageShack Toolbar Image Uploaded by ImageShack ToolbarImage Uploaded by ImageShack Toolbar Short Synopsis: Shuurei and Eigetsu get officially appointed to their posts, Eiki reveals the truth behind Chuushou’s death and Enjun’s massacre and Tei Yuushun’s identity is revealed. Good: Great to see another light-hearted episode. Bad: While it is nice to see that Sakujun has another chance of living, I do feel cheated somehow. Overall Enjoyment Value: 8/10 This episode reminded me again why the first half of Saiunkoku Monogatari appealed to me so much. It’s a great combination between complex storytelling, compelling characters and at times a bit of quirky dialogue. The Sakujun-arc has been really different from this first half, it’s been way more focused. But that can also be because I watched the first half raw. Watching raw and subbed does make me experience things differently. Also, Sakujun was removed from the spot where we left him after the previous episode. This can mean two things: either someone found his (dead) body and dragged it away, or he wasn’t dead at all, and just walked away on his own. While I do believe that the first option was the case, the fact that his body wasn’t found does mean that he’s still alive, due to the general rule of anime which says that unless you explicitly see a character DIE, he’ll live. (A notable exception being Shouko from Night Head Genesis) In the end, it also appears that neither Enjun nor Kokujun has killed someone. Enjun took the blame from someone who admired him enough to kill off everyone in his path, while Kokujun got protected by his father from Chuushou till the end. The real reason Enjun also tried to kidnap Shuurei also gets revealed. In the end, he did it so that the Sa clan would get investigated upon, so that all the bastards in the Sa-clan would be removed. Quite a noble goal. So, this episode formed the aftermath of the Sakujun-arc. That still leaves us with three more episodes, from which I really wonder which path this series will take. Will the first season end with a huge climax, or will the final episodes of dedicate themselves to a bit more character-development? There’ll probably be some kind of time-leap in one of the future episodes as well, showing how Shuurei got experienced as a governor. Quote of the day: “Excuse me if I wasn’t lovable.” – Ensei]]>

0 thoughts on “Saiunkoku Monogatari – 36

  1. That episode was worth it just to see Eiki smack the heck out of Enjun. One, two, three! So great.
    Ensei pulling Eigetsu up from a deep bow by his ponytail was pretty good too. ^^

  2. I firmly hold to the belief that Senya is still alive. I’ve been very happy these past few episodes, where Shuurei clearly shows that she was in love with him. But I know that in the end, the anime will disappoint me and pair her with Ryuuki. I’m going to have a hard time finding reason to continue the rest of the season without my Shuurenya fix. *sigh* Despite all that, the past two episodes were EXCELLENT, and I hope they end the season with a bang. Can’t wait for Season 2!

  3. I absolutely wanted to smack Shuurei on the head for pining and crying over Sakujun. Jeez poor Ryuuki…the funny thing is I like Sakujun too, not as much as my Ryuuki love, of course. I love Ryuuki more the way he was when he was being un-emperor like. So adorable.

  4. Actually, I have two major theories about SaiMono that I’m eager to share with whomever will listen. However, they would take up far too much room! This is mainly for psgels, but I’m interested in some (mature!) debate from anybody! :3

  5. Probably via email. It’s kinda lengthy.
    By the way, I thought I’d let you know that I respect Star Crossed as one of the best anime blogs out there. Thanks for your dedication!

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