Short Synopsis: It’s the day of the selection ceremony of the head of the Sa-Clan. Ensei and Eigetsu go to attend it, Shunki rushes off to Kokujun, meeting up with Shuurei along the way, while Seiran heads to somewhere unknown, wondering why women always have to be stronger than him. Good: Great episode! Shuurei was awesome, and finally Shunki shows a bit more about herself. Bad: Not anything I can think of right now. Overall Enjoyment Value: 8.5/10 Sakujun was very interesting this episode. I just can’t seem to figure out what he’s really thinking. This episode showcased the last day that he’ll be together with Shuurei, so obviously he’s feeling a bit lonely. But is he really going to leave things like this? Also, what did he realize when he uttered the words “fantasy… for me?”? I just can’t seem to figure out whether he’s just a lazy guy, playing around, or that his intentions are going to be harmful in the future. Sa Shunki meanwhile shows that she had a very good reason to remain silent. She actually has the power to order any person to do anything she wants. Quite dangerous if misused. It’s another one of the few supernatural elements in this show. It’s interesting, most of the episodes never even deal with supernatural elements, but they are there nonetheless. The eight great ones who founded the country, for example. And holy god, Kokujun. It’s never shown explicitly, but he actually cut his own grandfather. The next episode is going to be very interesting, when Shuurei and Shunki realize what happened to him. Sho Taishi, meanwhile, continues his own storyline. His intentions are quite interesting. He always remains in the shadows, and does what he has to do for himself, while Shuurei and the others do what they have to do.]]>
do u know what channel is sauinkokou on and what time it starts?