Saiunkoku Monogatari – 16 – Such Harsh Treatment

This episode continus where episode 14 left off, and makes it two times worse. The hate towards Shiurei continues to increase, and people are actually plotting to get rid of her. Still, the first signs of people appreciating her also start to show.

So, to recap, the bad things:
– Wa remains as horrible as ever.
– People actually start throwing dirt at them like little kids.
– Ro keeps burdening Shiurei and Eigetsu with the most horrible jobs. His treatment actually was the saddest to see.
– Remember the ring from the Sa-family which was stolen? It seems that some person is plotting to do something with a fake version of that ring. I have no idea what it is, I have no idea how it’ll happen, though Shiurei and Reishin will end up worse with this.
– Someone’s spreading rumours that Reishin cheated with the exam in order to let Shiurei in.
– Because of this, Reishin gets arrested.
– The guy from the Sa-family has hired Kochou in order to do something to Shiurei. We’ll have to wait till the next episode in order to find out what, but it’ll involve a bunch of big strong guys equipped with a bunch of big, sharp swords. Poor Shiurei. T_T

Still, if Shiurei doesn’t overcome these things on her own, she’ll never be able to rise. Go Shiurei!!

Anyway now the good things:
– Hakumei has taken pity in them. He uses the excuse of the two of them fainting being disadvantageous to him, but he doesn’t fool anyone when he says that he does it only for himself. He’s quite an ambitios fellow as well. He seems to see Kouyuu as his great example.
– Some mysterious person keeps sending Shiurei and Eigetsu tea and buns. I’ve got several persons in mind, Shouka, Ryuuki and Seiran all could’ve done it. For now, I’ll put Shouka in the seat of major suspect.
– At one department, people are starting to appreciate Shiurei. More of them will definitely follow!

Apart from that, another few interesting facts were revealed:
– Shouka has yet another younger brother: Kurou. Much isn’t revealed yet. He seems serious.
– Something seems to be going on at the Department of Protocol (the one in which idiot Wa works). Shiuei and Eigetsu decide to write their final assignment about this. Further details are yet to be revealed. That, or I just didn’t manage to pick them up.
– Kourin and Ensei are returning from the Sa-province. Kourin said that she wants to see Shiurei. When that happens, it’ll be pretty interesting. After all, Shiurei never managed to know it was Sa Taifu who attempted to kill her, and Kourin’s role in all this. The fact also remains that Kourin still loves Sa Taifu, even after his death, so I’m eager to see her reaction.
– Both Ryuuki as Seiran as Shouka are looking over Shiurei. And all of them are having huge troubles not to help her. Especially Ryuuki really has to convince himself not to go. ^^;
– Kouyuu and Ran seem to be bothered by a huge load of guys who offer their daughter for marriage. (Talk about shamelessness. It’s a good thing they declined every single one of them).

Some other very amusing things happened:
– Ran really had problems trying to restrain Ryuuki from helping Shiurei.
– The mud-throwers accidentally hitting Kouyuu.
– Shiurei noticing Ryuuki who kept spying on her.
– Shiurei’s methods of dealing with Wa’s treatments. (Go Shiurei! ^^)
– The flashback in which Kouyuu accidentally burned a random person’s toupet.

Overall, I just couldn’t help but feel pity with Shiurei. She has to put up with so much. Still, when she gets acknowledged, she really can show everyone what she’s worth. ^_^

0 thoughts on “Saiunkoku Monogatari – 16 – Such Harsh Treatment

  1. >> – Some mysterious person keeps sending Shiurei and Eigetsu tea and buns. I’ve got several persons in mind, Shouka, Ryuuki and Seiran all could’ve done it. For now, I’ll put Shouka in the seat of major suspect.

    Shouka’s tea is beyond rescue, so there is no way he could have cooked up that high quality tea. Seiran and Ryuuki would be more forward with little things like food, but more likely would be busy standing in watch over them. Please take another guess.

  2. I really see Shouka crazy enough in order to fake his bad cooking. Don’t ask me why, but I first want to see some confirmation that he really is bad at it. That guy is a very good actor.

  3. I have a feeling Shouka’s tea is really lethal. Remember that even when Shuurei was sick, he still made her bad tea ^^;

    My bet for the tea and bun person would be the random guess of Ro. While he gives Shuurei and Eigetsu hard work, he never participated in teasing them and giving them a hard time. (Notice the differences in the way that Ro and the other official gave them more tasks. Ro is tough, but he never laughed at them or push their stack of books down.) I believe that he respected them for rising above expectations, and yet know that because of what they are, they are likely to be prejudiced against. By giving them difficult work, he allows them to prove to other that they have the determination and ability to deal with their obstacle. If those two could overcome all the hard work, then no one could argue that they belong in the courts, but if they can’t, they probably don’t deserve to belong there. This is what I think anyways ^^;

  4. Just be sure to mark it carefully and I don’t mind.

    But yeah, Ro indeed is hiding something. It could indeed be that you’re right.

  5. Sorry, but everything I type with ” is disappearing. Can someone tell me the correct way of doing this?

  6. Ah, yes, I think I know the problem. These tags are always recognized and removed when they’re put in a comment.

    [ and ] work fine, though. Fixed it for you.

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