Rozen Maiden 2013 – 03 & 04

I love how different this series turned out to be from the original Rozen Maiden! It still has the same characters, but the atmosphere, the execution, and the themes are completely different here. That’s what a good sequel should be: avoid the tried and true and go into its own direction! It also really helps that this direction is much more mature now.

These past two episodes: they’re really well detailed! Heck, over the span of three episodes we’ve just seen one doll, and even she appeared at just the end of the third episode. In the meantime we get a full look into the life of the grown-up Jun, and into his mind. Because of this we can really see how meeting with Shinu is subtly changing him. There’s enough tension between his job, and taking care of Shinku as well, not to mention how Shinku said at the end of episode four that this can only last for seven days. The whole interplay between young and old Jun is also very good.

What’s also different: there is quite a bit of symbolism added in the narration, ranging from that kid’s story that always pops up in the middle, to various visual symbols when characters are explaining things. The question now is what will happen next: they’re obviously building up to something. Will they be able to use this build-up?
Rating: 5/8 (Great)

2 thoughts on “Rozen Maiden 2013 – 03 & 04

  1. About the “tried and true and go into its own direction!”, it’s just following the true plot of the manga. The original Rozen Maiden started off the same then branched off into a weird direction, making up chracters and a different plot.e

  2. This is basically what I thought the first Series would have been when I first heard about it.
    The previous seasons are great for their own reasons, mostly doll slice of life, but the subtile tension/horror of the current iteration really appeals to me.

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