Robotics;Notes – 18

And with this we have turned to the final arc of this series, in which we finally take a look at Aki and her sister. It brought in a sudden hint of romance as well now that Aki is in the main picture again (again, this could have been better balanced to take out the harem element because I don’t think it really contributes to much here apart from making Kai a less interesting character. That’s the downside of having a series with so many different plot threads, yet still wanting the main character to poke his nose in everything.

Still, Misa’s part in this episode is something I really liked. Kai really feels shocked by what happened to Mizuka and the creators used that well, only to move over to Misa herself, who seems to have betrayed her job or something…? The answer to that is probably something we’ll get in the next episodes. I really liked the cliff-hanger of this episode and how this showed the tension between Aki and her sister.

Lots of drama seems to have been created around Gunvarrel. This part did not work as well for me today, probably because it’s a part that has been a bit abandoned: how regular people think of Gunvarrel. It just felt too one-sided and forced at this point. I know that it has been stated before that Gunvarrel has had negative publicity, but for me it was a bit too much when everyone just walked away or when people started throwing with cans…
Rating: 4.5/8 (Good)

4 thoughts on “Robotics;Notes – 18

  1. I found the part where it seems almost everyone is hating Gunvarrel, and that there doesn’t seem to be a single still dedicated fan at all a bit unrealistic.

    I mean, from what we learned, Gunvarrel is a show that was loved by the young and old, across nation, and still retaining its popularity after years without airing the final episode. Then suddenly from a simple “leak”, the story went on telling us as if nearly all the fans across the globe start hating it.

    To be honest, even if something similar happens in our real life, I’d imagine fans would hate and blame the production company/author for creating such outrageous final ending, NOT the character. I can even imagine there will be hardcore fans who refused to take that ending to be “canon”, and create their own “perfect” ending.

    I felt that the reason Gunvarrel is being hated, is only because R;N’s story “requires” it to be hated in order to move the plot…

  2. Excellent cliffhanger. I would have rated this higher than Psycho Pass though. I expect some shocking reveals next episode.

  3. Did you forget that people are not only mad about the series being given a harsh ending, but also about how the whole production crew was murdered by one of their own (supposedly)…? In Japan, death like this is a FAR bigger taboo than anything you’d see in the media (like a sex scandal of an idol or something). They avoid it, and the things attached to it, like the plague. Since Gunvarrel is a name attached to such death in the public now, it seemed perfectly natural to me that they avoided it in such a precise way. Which is why, in the previous episode, Aki said, “Even though Mizuki just died…” when trying to get across that she doesn’t want to give up on Gun-tsuku-2.
    Death is so much of a big deal that a family in Japan is considered to be going through “mourning” for at least two years after the death of a family member. At least. No less.

    1. You can say that but still doesn’t mean that it justifies anything in this episode. For one that guy who threw the bottle at Aki and nearly killed her didn’t react at all to the fact that he nearly caused her death. Also these kids build a frigging robot. For the crowd to ignore it just because it’s Gunvarrel is downright idiotic and unnatural.
      Whether it happens in Japan or not, this is forced.

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