Rinne no Lagrange – 03

And this is why you should never leave a teenager in charge of intergalactic negotiations. “Long term? Who the hell cares about long term! You attacked us so I’ll attack back!’. Also, this is something that I’ve been noticing in quite a few other series as well. I mean, I get stylizing things as “there is no sound in space” and stuff. But it’s a bit bizarre to have the dark parts of the moon translucent…

In any case, I like what this series is doing here. Once again this episode placed a lot of focus on continuity. The battles aren’t just destroying random buildings. They’re destroying random buildings that people live in. It shows that everyone is involved.

Also, my fears of Madoka being too perfect also turned out to be ungrounded. Her aforementioned stubbornness is an interesting way to show her flaws. The enemy was willing to actually negotiate, and yet her pride for her hometown was an interesting way for her to ignore that. The big danger for this is taking it too far. Flawed characters are of course great to watch, but when these flaws make them mindlessly stupid then it’s just a sure sign of bad writing. So far though, Madoka isn’t really stupid. Just mindless and really impulsive. On top of having some bad ideas, she also balanced this out with some good ideas. Part of the fun of this show is how she perplexes everyone around her aside from her cousin. That cousin who really needs a bigger role here.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

7 thoughts on “Rinne no Lagrange – 03

  1. Definitely enjoyed this episode. I also have to say that I loved what they did with the blue-haired pilot. When I first saw him during the introductions, I thought that he was going to be a bit more arrogant. Instead, they make him a really likeable guy, and his insights into “Earth military training” was pretty hilarious.

    On another note, I also thought that the “lore” that we were introduced to at the very end of the episode was a fantastic way to set up a little intrigue as to just what the relationship is between Earth and this other planet. It seems like the creators aren’t pushing for a “good vs. evil” type of story like one might initially expect, but for something a bit more ambiguous in nature (at least, as it relates to the characters that have been revealed thus far).

  2. I like this series. Don’t get me wrong. But I really feel like the battle with these guys should’ve been over in episode 2. This felt a little too long in my eyes but whatever!

    ALso psgels unblock me from the shoutbox.

  3. You think that is bizarre?
    Then you didn’t read the more recent chapters of Soul Eater.
    They have landed on the grinning(eyes, mouth and all), crescent shaped moon using an airship(blimp, zeppelin).
    Compared to that, this is nothing.

    Of course, in Soul Eater it is intentional, while here it is not but that’s just details.

  4. A great episode. And Madoka must be one of those rare cases where having a energetic straightforward personality doesn’t lead to unnecessary silliness. It’s actually quite balanced how she’s portrayed.
    It’s also interesting how the show presents the “good side’s” mechas as evil while the “bad side” is portrayed as actually being quite good. That’s a nice way of changing the usual good-vs-bad-formula.

  5. Agree with the above, was really surprised to see the “bad guy” offer negotations and seeing that they arent really bad at all, just have a different point of view

    Also whats with the boy at the end? He hinted at this getting much darker later

    Overall it has lots of potential

    1. I know, that’s why I have a feeling this series is darker then it’s what it’s showing. Not Bokura no dark but still less happy XD The chairs….if they don’t start spinning we’re fine 😛

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