Red Garden – 08 – A Light Mood

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After the events of the previous episode, Hervé takes a step back again and disappears in order to make way for the most light-hearted episode yet. The girls finally have formed a real team. This does make you wonder about this anime will continue. Kate, Rose and Claire will probably get their moments in which their surroundings turn against them, just like the case was with Rachel, a few episodes ago. But will the girls remain friends, or will they turn against each other at a certain point?

The one who surprised me the most this time was Rachel. It’s only been eight episodes, and she’s already had a huge change of personality. More than any other character probably ever managed. It’s really awkward to see the once angsty and rebellious Rachel in a care-free, friendly and cheerful mood. But that makes her character even better to watch. I also loved it when she picked out the high heels, and started commenting on whether they would make nice weapons in front of her friends. I actually laughed along with her as the scene evolved. ^^

I’m also wondering about Paula’s role in this. What exactly are her motives? Why is she so nice towards Kate? I think it’s got to do something with the reason why she picked out Kate in the first place, though something tells me that there’s something deeper behind this. Claire’s secret weapon also was a very nice touch. If you want to relieve your anger on your phone because it’s been cut, why not take a zombified guy along with it in the process? Something’s also telling me that she’ll be having some problems during the next episode, due to the fact that she quit her job, and can’t find any other. I’m interested in how she’ll develop.

2 thoughts on “Red Garden – 08 – A Light Mood

  1. *Why is she so nice towards Kate?*

    Perhaps it’s ‘only’ the same reasons why Shizuru was nice to Natsuki in HiME? 🙂 I wouldn’t be wondering about it too much…

  2. Maybe Paula just prefers the company of Kate than that of the self-righteous bitches like Jessica and the rest of Grace. Perhaps Kate is one of the few people in front of whom Paula can be nice and not be simply the leader of Grace or the Ice queen that people seem to think she is.
    I can’t say I was too surprised by Rachel’s mood swings – I don’t think her personality has changed that much, she is still likely to get really desperate if things change for the worse. She seems to concentrate on the present, when things go well, she is lively and happy and when they don’t, she sees them as even worse than they are.
    And yes, I think it’s great that it’s hard to guess how the series will continue but for some reason I don’t think the girls will turn against each other.

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