Rainbow – 22

With the arcs around Mario, Joe and Cabbage, their story was all about trying to make their dream come true, or finding their place in adult society: they all had their goals and worked towards making them come true. The big difference with Baremoto’s arc s that his goal was impossible to begin with. His personal growth was all based on a big mistake, rather than a struggle to get rid of his own past.

Baremoto probably is the character who developed the most throughout the series, having the most amounts of flaws of the entire cast that he had to deal with. And this episode really was a great conclusion for him, in which his thoughts of being able to buy women with money is completely trashed. This episode again was very dramatic, like with Joe and Mario’s arc, but this time all of the drama was centred around Baremoto, realizing what an idiot he had been, and coming to the decisions to make up for the things he did wrong. I liked that a lot.

Also, the next episode will be the Suppon-arc, excellent to hear that. With four episodes left, the arc after that will probably the conclusion and I’m really curious to how the creators are planning to end it. Really, could we get a small arc for Heitai to close off this series? That really would make the entire series complete.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

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