Rainbow – 19

With the rather stereotypical evil band going on and on, leading to a rather predictable gunfight that reduced them into people that are too stupid to pull a bloody trigger, I was expected the end of this episode to be this over the top as well. And yet, the actual scene where Joe and his sister reunite just takes what? A minute? And it worked perfectly !

It’s a very humble climax, especially for this series, but it really was worth it. the evil guys did what they needed to do, without creating some cheap drama that would cause Joe to miss meeting his sister. Instead, his sister really was smart enough to stay around for a bit longer instead of just returning home. In the meantime, it was meant to develop the struggles that the characters are in, trying to fit back into society. These guys weren’t exactly related to the prison, but that fight did show that they’re still living amidst violence.

Joe’s decision in the end, to just not give up and start back from scratch, was awesome because of that. He wasn’t just doing the singing in order to find his sister, but he also really enjoys doing it. He has his background, and he’s just going to have to live with it, while working hard.

I’m very curious to see what the final episodes are going to be about. I mean, at this point there pretty much aren’t any threads left hanging. Instead, the creators can just pick any character and give him an extra arc of development. While it definitely was heavy, the third quarter of this series really was less extreme than the first half of this series. But really, it has been an amazing “epilogue”, if you can call it that. Without it, this series would just have been an over the top prison series. This epilogue really made me forgive the overacting in this series.
Rating: *** (Awesome)

2 thoughts on “Rainbow – 19

  1. One thing that didn’t make any sense to me was why the manager was angry towards Joe. It wasnt his fault that he came late & she was there to witness the whole thing.

  2. Yeah what was up with the manager/ It was so out place. She blamed Joe for everything, even though she should have hired some security, especially after the first incident with that other freak manager.

    I’m surprised you rate this episode as excellent. I thought it was was too typical and nonsensical, which is what this series wasn’t suffering from, until now.

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