Popolocrois Story 1998 – 25

Ah, what an adorable ending. It was a bit cheesy here and there, but overall it reminded me why I originally fell in love with this series. To think that I took two years and four months to fully blog this series. That’s been longer than any other show I’ve blogged, even Saiunkoku Monogatari, Jigoku Shoujo or Higurashi. It’s been a wonderful ride, that’s for sure, and Bee-Train’s debut surely showed a lot of promise in the studio that they were to become.

I decided to not write a review about this series, simply because it’s been too long since I watched the real meat of this series, and my memory is too fuzzy about it. (Plus, I’m rather tired right now, which probably also plays some kind of factor) If I did review it, I bet it would rate high, though, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it ended up above 90/100. I do remember how this has been the best RPG-adaptation made, simply because of its wonderfully charming cast of characters, and definitely recommended to any fantasy-fan.

With that said, I’d like to thank Wyrdwad and the other ones who contributed to the fansubbing-process: you ROCK! I also must say that I really enjoyed reading the different episode-notes for each release. They provided interesting insights in the Japanese language and culture. Most times when fansubbers try to insert something personal in their work, it doesn’t really work, and most of the comments end up being in the sense of “yea hot!”, but Wyrdwad’s writing style is really fun to read. When watching a raw series, I now keep chuckling at characters who use “ore-sama” or “Otoko no ROMAAAAN!!!” 😛

Now with that said, I’m really curious to the final episodes of the 2003-series. 🙂

6 thoughts on “Popolocrois Story 1998 – 25

  1. They’re coming, don’t you worry! (: I’m really sorry it took so long to get this episode out there. Everyone involved in the project has been either really lazy or really busy (or both!) for the last few months, and Popolo kept slipping off the radar. The last two eps of the 2003 series *have* been translated and edited, however, so all that’s left is timing and encoding, and that series, too, will be finished.

    And I can’t wait to read your take on the last ep of Popolo 2003, because I still consider it to be one of the best final episodes of any anime I’ve ever seen. It’s just… amazing. (:


  2. I´m glad to know that you loved the final episode too.


    To be sincere, I started to cry when the final instrumental piece (Rakuen) began to play in the background, and then, the final farewell. And the recap moments with Hyuu´s version of Kaze no Mahou, were really bittersweet for me.

    (spoilers end)

    BTW, I´m a little surprised that you didn´t chose to put in the screenshots the final image (you know, tha one with Pietro, Narcia and Hyuu in the background) since it is, IMO the best image of the series, and I don´t think that it´s spoilerish.

    Ok, that´s all (and sorry for the long rant), see ya when the final episodes of 2003 are released!

  3. I’m not sad. I know is weird, Popolocrois 1998 is over now, the final episode was amazing and…I’m not sad because I’m satisfied with it. I enjoyed watching this show, I love adventures and certainly that was one of my favorites. And Tom, even if I have to wait for ten years or a entire century, I’m glad that someone dedicate and loved Popolocrois to the point to include sidenotes, curiosities and the amazing songs from the games? Thanks a lot!!!

  4. hi guys! this anime is awesome!! I love gami-gami LOL! Can someone tell me where can i find the raw (i need them) of this anime??? thank you so much!

  5. Aah…The memories, I used to love this series so much when I was little, and now reading the review make me warm and fuzzy over again, I love and watch this series basically because I love Hyuu, she’s the one whom make me watch entire series, so sad that RPG adaption doesn’t have Hyuu in it….Now when I remembered again, I feel poor Hyuu that because Pietro doesn’t love her (though he’s so kind to her, I can see why Hyuu likes him), he loves Narcia, and later in the episodes, GamiGami fell in love with Hyuu only because of love potion, he’s basically worshipping Narcia before….Hmm, everyone seems to love Narcia, and that makes me sad for Hyuu for didn’t find any person that loves her from bottom of his heart. (Or maybe I was wrong, my memory kinda fuzzy on many episodes, I watched them a long time ago, but I remembered Hyuu did leaving Popolocrois and go back to wind kind to final episode, I was so sad at that time).

  6. same with me. I hope the third sequel will be released soon… but with hyuu inside..
    i fell in love with hyuu too. no one understand with her. pietoro, no. narcia too. the ending make me cry, swear! i’ll bet you will like this anime, since this have very good OST and plot.

    only one word from me

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