Popolocrois Story 1998 – 24

“If you, too, are a real man, then you will protect Hyuu.” Wooot! The next instalment of Popolocrois has been released again by Wyrdwad. The current episode wraps up the story-part of this anime. It fills in the parts of the story that were still left unexplained, and it set the stage for the final episode, which will be very character-centric, if things go on. I do wonder what exact path it’ll take, though. Popolocrois is unique as an RPG adaptation in the sense that it’s focused on characters, instead of battles. Gamigami was definitely one of the highlights again, and his speeches were the epitome of manliness. Even though he stopped being significant to the story, his “Otoko no Roman!!!” remains truly memorable. ^^; (Notice how Pietoro just literally drops Gamigami on the ground as soon as he’s done talking? :P) Anyway, the major revelation in this episode was the reason why the Wind-kind were travelling in the first place. It’s like this, when the Anemoritos blew up, there had to be something done to prevent such a tragedy from occurring again. The solution was to split all kinds. The Dragon-kind would settle in the heaven, the Human-kind would settle on the earth, and the Wind-kind would continue wandering from place to place without destination, basically taking their biggest wish of freedom away. Right now, Pietoro and Hyuu are struggling with these decisions that were made. That was really deep, and I loved it! ^_^ Still, it’s sad that there’s only one episode left. At this point, there is no other series that I blogged longer than Popolocrois 1998. It feels strange to let it go, especially Gamigami, who turned out to be one of, if not THE most original and likable male character I have ever seen. Let’s hope the final episode closes off with lots of Otoko no Romaaaaaan!!!!]]>

0 thoughts on “Popolocrois Story 1998 – 24

  1. I felt totally like you when I watched the final episode the first time two years ago. Really it´s bittersweet to see one of the series that you love the most coming to a close, but let´s leave this for when the final episode is released.

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