Bakuretsu Kagekidan Gamigami Shinkansen, DOSUKOI!!
*ahem*… now that that’s out, I’m really happy that the next instalments of Popolocrois have been released again. Many thanks to Wyrdwad for continuing to sub these wonderful series. The current episode for the 1998-anime was a typical “calm before the storm”-episode, before the finale really begins. Still, despite this, lots of things happened, and I couldn’t help but love the episode. 🙂
The major focus is for Hyuu, to finally sort her thoughts out. For nearly the entire anime, she’s been in doubts, but now that Gamigami has left her and she can’t return to him anymore, she can’t flee from Pietoro anymore. And with a bit of help from Kai and Narcia, she finally realizes that she wants to stay in Popolocrois.
The best moment of the episode, though, was when Pietoro saw his parents again. So cute. ^_^ He definitely is one of the more unique children to get featured in anime, and he probably really missed his parents while he was travelling. Gamigami also was as brilliant as always, for the short screen-time that he had.
It’s strange to think that this anime is nearly over. I’ve been blogging it ever since I started thIs blog, back in November 2005, and there are only two episodes left. It’s promising to be a huge treat, though. I’m really curious how Hyuu’s problems will be resolved, or whether the Anemoritos will cause another tragedy.]]>
Ah, so much nostalgy! This was the first episode of Popolocrois that I watched on TV, and believe me, the final episode is really emotional, only wait until you see it.
Glad you enjoyed the episode! Take my word for it, too, 2003 ep 23 is not to be missed… though not QUITE as dark/intense as ep 24, it’s still a REALLY amazing episode, and sort of sets the stage for the breathtaking finale to come. This is the part of the two series, now, where I’d say the 2003 one actually has the upper hand. While the last few episodes of the 1998 series are truly excellent, the last few episodes of the 2003 one simply blow them away.