Popolocrois Story 1998 – 13 – Ston + Sanda = Awesomeness

Really. I’ve watched this entire episode with a big smirk on my face, which didn’t fade for even a second. Not neccesarily because the episode was that funny. Okay, it had some hilarious moments, though that isn’t the great thing about this episode. The fact is that this episode was written in such a brilliant way. So many brilliant ideas were put into the scenario. This episode really showed the brilliance of this anime.

The center of the episode was Hyuu. Finally, she’s playing a much bigger part than just ordering Gamigami, Ston and Sanda around, as they are finally able to capture Pietoro. Again, Gamigami uses one of his most awesome inventions to do it: a couple of walking, metal pencils who can join together to form an electric cage. Gamigami also gets some nice revenge, when he demonstrates the shocking effect of the cage by electrifyin Ston. ^^;

In any case, Hyuu continues ordering Gamigami, Ston and Sanda around, treating them like garbage, just so she can be with Pietoro. Even when Pietoro refuses to be her servant and Narcia confronts her with this, she still doesn’t see that she’s doing the wrong thing. I just loved it when she heard Ston and Sanda talk about the fact that they wanted freedom. At that point, she realized that she’s abusing her power.

Pietoro also manages to be one of the very few male main characters who I actually really like. Especially in fantasy shows like this. I guess this is because he’s incredibly kind and innocent. He has his own ideals, and he believes in them with great enthusiasm. He’s so incredibly cute when he acts like this.

Ston, Sanda and Gamigami chasing Kai was one of the best short chases ever. Seeing the former three mess up horribly, getting in each other’s way and seeing the latter make very clever use of this was just incredible to see. Gamigami is actually one of the few characters who just keeps talking in an action scene. As if he was his own commentator at a very exiting football match. In any case, Ston and Sanda really shined during the entire episode. They made very good use of repetition when they had to bring Pietoro’s cage from Hyuu to the dungeon, from the dungeon to Hyuu again, and backwards. I just loved the shiritori. ^^

Overall, this anime’s brilliant, and this episode demonstrated that once more. You hardly see any anime around who are as creative as this one. It may be an old anime, but it’s totally worth it.

0 thoughts on “Popolocrois Story 1998 – 13 – Ston + Sanda = Awesomeness

  1. I have one question, how “manly” this is? =) I tend to like girlish stuff more so that’s often important thing for me.

  2. I think this is meant for shoujo. In any case, the character-design is not focused on shounen, as there are no annoying characters present at all (=D). There are a couple of action scenes. Either fights or chases, but most of them focus on the story-development and creativity, rather than pure action. It’s also got some really nice children’s romance between each of the characters, and the impulsive behavior of boys is openly mocked with.

    I think I’d define this as a shoujo-series with action-parts and some old-fashioned comedy.

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