Popolocrois Story – 1998 – 08

Heh, this show just keeps getting better. We firstly see Gamigami have some “tiny” problems controlling his newly created mecha, resulting in a couple of small earthquakes. He has found an interesting way of shutting it down (involvind a large hammer). It’s also hilarious that he managed to give his newly created “Great Pantzer” the nickname of “Gre-chan”. Meanwhile, we see a royal meeting of the king, queen, Pietoro and the knights, who try to find a solution for this rather annoying problem. Pietoro is thinking of entirely different things, like Hyuu’s alignment. He was just too cute when he finally decided what to do. This really is one of the most original main characters ever.

Hyuu, meanwhile, still struggles with her moral. She wonders whether she’s doing the right thing or not. Then she gets to feature in her own song. I so love the fact that each character appears to have his or her own song. The budget also seems to have turned up a bit for these, as each of these songs were jsut great to hear. My favorite up will now is Hilda’s one, describing the proper etiquettes for making correct potions. That really showed that even old ladies have spirit in them. ^_^

After a while, Gamigami finally manages to finish his new found pet. He shows the results to Hyuu and she praises him. After that moment, Gamigami was just too adorible to see. I also have to say, that mostly when a love-potion gets out of control, it will just be solved at the end of an episode. Popolocrois is the first show who managed to carry this even further. Anyway, Gamigami, Hyuu, Ston and Sanda set off to Popolocrois castle, Hilda sees this through her magic mirror, she sends Narcia to Pietoro and Hyuu suddenly feels like swimming and picknicking. I never saw that one coming.

Gamigami, of course, stops and orders Ston and Sanda to go fishing. That in itself was hilarious, as they’re not even his servants, but afterwards, we get to see even more awesome scenes. Ston tries to think of something again, while Sanda enjoys fishing for crabs. After a funny conversation, Ston gets an idea, and takes Sanda with him. Gamigami then plays a part in the most awesome peeping-scene ever. He wants to pick a beautiful flower, but if he does, he will see Hyuu swimming. As he is a gentleman, he actually doesn’t want to do it, and gets the genious idea of letting his giant mecha robot pick the flower in his stead. Okay, it makes no sense at all, but I so loved the fact that he actually seriously considered that.

Anyway, he’ll never get a chance to pick the flower, as Ston and Sanda suddenly ran off with Gre-chan, and plan to attack the castle all by themselves. I never knew a castle attack could be this awesome (after all, how many times do you see such an attack being executed by just too cute and fluffy animals?) Pietoro shows his best side again, and Gamigami saving the day was just too friggin awesome. Then Pietoro’s father (aka, the king) brings a very interesting development concerning the following couple of episodes. He actually challenges Gamigami to take his crown. Not by force, but by intelligence. I SO want to know what kind of plan Gamigami manages to think of. After all, I don’t really think he’s that stupid, after his behaviour at the end of this episode.

0 thoughts on “Popolocrois Story – 1998 – 08

  1. I just love logic of this series. “Why conquer the castle now when we can swim and eat lunch?” Yeah, Pietoro is far from usual stereotypes. Only child could say something like that as he did in the meeting. Later that tiny boy with little sword tried to stop ridiculously big mecha controlled by two stuffed dolls and actually managed to do that, priceless.

  2. Yeah, I just love this series. It just breaks away from so many different stereotypes. And not to mention the awesomeness of Gamigami. Pietoro’s just too cute. ^^

  3. Yes. GamiGami is absolutely hilarious, I definitely agree. He’s just so ridiculously funny, and his voice is so hammy in a great way! Plus, I am absolutely IN LOVE with that song that placed when Hyuu was air bending (does anyone else think Avatar The Last Airbender unknowingly borrowed elements from this)? I’m listening to it right now (found a rip on YouTube and downloaded it from there), and can’t seem to stop! And yes, Pietoro is definitely adorable. He’s definitely not like those other idiot heroes you see in most kids anime (Tagiru from Digimon Xros Hunters, anyone?!). One thing I especially love about this anime is that characters actually talk about their feelings and don’t bottle them up or play the blame game or let misunderstandings run rampant! I do kinda wish Hyuu would stop being indecisive.

    Also, the song is called “On My Own.” You can find a video on YouTube that Wyrdwad uploaded.

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