Popolocrois Story 1998 – 07

I just don’t believe what happened at the end of this episode. Hyuu must have some kind of reason for doing what she did. After all, she was giving the I-am-plotting-something-but-I-cannot-let-my-allies-know-about-it-so-I-guess-I’ll-have-to-act-mysterious-face. I do like the way she gave it. Most characters in anime stare to the ground, become a bit spaced out, and make a very serious face. Hyuu, however, smiled. I could almost say that it had a lot of similarities with an evil-grin. This shows lots of potential for episode eight.

Popolocrois Story is probably among with Tales of Phantasia the only anime in which I like each and every one of the character cast. The main characters, Pietoro, Narcia and Hyuu posess some subtle, but still unique and awesome traits most main anime characters nowadays lack. The bad guys (if you can count them as bad guys, that is), Gamigami, Ston and Sanda are just too awesome at times. Especially Gamigami (I mean, what other bad guy has a four-and-a-half TATAMI ROOM as the highest room in his castle? Only he would be crazy enough to think of a brilliant thing like that). The side-characters great to watch as well. Not even one of them feels out of place, annoying or boring.

Anyway, this episode was the best Popolocrois episode yet. I like the way the creators take it easy, not try to rush the scenes and still manage to add some comedy. Pietoro was just too cute when he tried to go to Hyuu on his own. Narcia was awesome when she tried to convince her sister to let her go. Gamigami was better than ever when he tried to flirt with Hyuu, even though it was actually horribly wrong what he did. (>.<) Also, every bad guy who manages to turn a rubber boat into a hovercraft instantly deserves a spot in the bad-guy-hall of fame. I see now that I've been rambling on a bit too much. I guess I'll stop now, before it becomes worse.

0 thoughts on “Popolocrois Story 1998 – 07

  1. Devastation inside myself: act 1. When I saw that part with Hyuu, really; I ended up like Pietro, staring the space in disbelief and feeling horribly depressed (I have watched the series to its end and I never expected to see her acting like this, because I saw first the final eps on TV and later I began to watch them downloading from Anime-BT).

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