Popolocrois Story – 04

Hmm, we get some Ston and Sanda character development this episode. It was really well done, and furthermore you could really see that each and every one of the characters has a differrent personality. In some cases even unique. I also like that Pietoro isn’t the strongest person among his friends, but more like the weakest (after all, he was the only one who got blown away by Ston’s attacks, even the old woman didn’t move). It’s nice to see things like this in a fantasy anime, it gives a good perspective.

This was also one of the few episodes in anime in which some time was drawn out in order for one of the characters to sing a smal song. Of course, the song made no sense, and it was sung by an old woman, but still, it was a nice touch.

The bad guy was again awesome, even though he only got five seconds of screen time. It was an old idea the creators used to involve him in this episode, but brilliantly executed. We just see thunder and his castle, we get a moment to realize what’s going to happen, we see his funny reaction, and voila, back to the main story. I liked this.

Anyway, Ston and Sanda were again great in their huge forms.

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