Popolocrois 2003 – 20 – Adventure in Croconesia

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I am SO glad that I decided to continue watching this anime. The past few episodes really have been awesome, with the current episode as no exception to this. There really are too little people who know about this great episode. Same with its 1998 counterpart. It’s a real recommendation for any fantasy-fan.

Pinon, Punpun and Luna SO reminded me of Souta, Shirayuki and Ringo. Now that they’re travelling together, it becomes even more apparent that Punpun keeps clinging to Pinon. Let’s just say that Luna doesn’t like that. (^^) Also, this episode revealed another interesting future-couple. Donovan just acted way too nervous when Elena suddenly appeared in a beautiful dress. (^^)

Still, as the episode takes place in Croconesia, the main focus of the episode has to be Momba. And indeed, in order to get to Zephys, a special boat is needed. In order to get this boat, one must overcome an ordeal. That just leaves the problem that only a Croconesian can captain that ship, and thus take the ordeal. Poor Momba. The next episode will be a living hell for him, as he’s just been acting like a big coward throughout the anime. But that’s what makes him such a great character. ^^

Still, against all clichĂ©s, Momba doesn’t get to be the hero of the episode. Elena gets the glory for that, as she quite bravely defeats one of Zephys’ minions. Momba just learns a couple of things. I’m suspecting that his moment of glory will come with the next episode. ^_^

I think that one of the major elements which has made the past few episodes so great is the great bland of action and comedy. Due to the first half of the anime, the characters have already been fleshed out. Right now, the creators are making perfect use for this, which makes each of the scenes funny yet dramatic at the same time. There aren’t many anime which can achieve the same, not to mention at the high level of the past couple of episodes. The chase at the end of the episode was a brilliant example of this. It also was something you couldn’t predict AT ALL.

Overall, if you’re wondering whether or not to check out this anime: DO IT!!! It may have a slow first half, but the second half really is awesome. 🙂

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