Popolocrois 2003 – 19 – Whoa, 600 posts!

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Before I continue with the post as usual, yes that’s right. This currently is my 600th post. Yay! Quite an amount in less than a year, don’t you think? (^^)

About the episode: it was a seriously awesome one. Finally this series is picking up, with awesome results. It now deserves to be compared with its 1998-counterpart. The first half of the series really did an excellent job in fleshing out the characters, and now we finally get to see the fruits of this.

Gamigami was amazing. It doesn’t happen often when a character is extremely funny, but extremely sad at the same time, but he’s one of the few characters who can do this. Gamigami really was funnier than he ever has been in the 2003-series, but at the same time, he also finds out that his beloved Narcia has been turned to stone. When you combine this, the results turn out awesome.

Marco also has this effect a bit, though not as extreme. He has the habit of becoming incredibly nervous when tension starts rising, and he relieves this tension by keeping himself as busy as possible. It has a rather chaotic effect, but it provides a nice comical element to accompany the tension. Nonetheless, the effect this has is awesome.

In any case, Momba figures that a hermit in his home country, Croconesia, named Delvoi-sama might know how to get the Lunar Drop back. But in order to get there, they need a ship, which has just been destroyed at the end of the previous episode. Gamigami offers his own submarine, so that Pinon can save his precious Narcia, while he makes sure nothing happens to them. Punpun and Kotaro will accompany Pinon.

The submarine is just full of eccentric details you’d expect when considered that it’s being used by Gamigami, Punpun and Kotaro. The tatami-room is back again. It seems to be built for Kotaro, as he’d be terribly scared otherwise. Three crab robots also seem to be on board (including the weaknesses they showed us in the past couple of episodes), and the secret weapon of the submarine: fart missiles. It sounds childish, I know, but when they actually got fired, the results are hilarious. I’m glad they were fired under water. ^^;

The fight of this episode really was awesome. The monster designs continue to become more gruesome with every monster appearing. This time, it’s a gigantic monkfish. It’s piloted by a small shrimp-like creature who’s a bit too full of himself. Marco and Kotoro set out in order to try and defeat it in the crab robots, while Pinon gets to scared to head out. The three of them played their part perfectly. Especially when you compare Pinon with Kotoro. I think that Kotoro was even more scared than Pinon was, though the fact that he didn’t want people to think bad of him made the former go, while the latter stayed behind.

In the end, Pinon sees this, and gets inspired by Marco’s and Kotoro’s courage, so he grabs the third crab robot, and in the end, he destroys the monkfish from the inside. Luna then saves him when the robot blows up. So cute. ^^

I’m really thankful for Anime-bt for bringing us this awesome series, along with its 1998 counterpart. I’ve almost caught up with their releases on both shows now, and I’m wishing them good luck with translating the final episodes. ^_^

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