Popolocrois 2003 – 08 – ICE, not Water

I love the huge contrast between the serious scenes and the laid-back scenes in this anime. The Seirei of Darkness really works as a bad guy, which turns the scenes in which he is featured quite dark indeed. However, Pinon, Luna, Marco and all of the others are just little kids, having fun. The times at which they’re playing with each other really have a very light overall mood. When you combine these two opposites with each other, the result turns out quite interesting indeed. 🙂

This episode was quite interesting. The Seirei of Darkness comes into action again, he wonders how a little brat called Pinon could have defeated his minions. He therefore makes a plan in order to spy on him. Pinon, meanwhile, is playing with Ulala, Luna, Papuu, Hirarin and Bobo at the ocean. General Gon, who’s supposed to be guarding them looked quite sad in the huge heat in his uniform. The subject of conversation then gets brought to the school. In the end, Luna wants to go to school, and Pinon has to go with her. Something he doesn’t really like.

That evening, the Seirei of Darkness takes an innocent monster over, in order to do something. The next day, Pinon tries to stop Papu, Bobo and Hirarin from going along with them to school, as pets aren’t allowed. Then he and Luna head to school. It seems a small tournament is going to be hosted that afternoon. What follows is just an ordinary day at school, full of detentions as three certain “pets” have been following Pinon into school.

The three annoying classmates also became a bit less annoying during this episode, as they actually played a very major part in it. It starts when they end up cleaning for detention, along with Pinon and Luna. It seems that they indeed were just curious, though Pinon runs away every time they bother him with it. But yeah, I guess he doesn’t like the attention on him. After all, people begin to immediately compare him to Pietoro.

Then, the Seirei of Darkness carries out his plan: create a huge barrier around the school, infest that barrier with monsters and see how Pietoro reacts. Marco, who was supposed to be attending the tournament, also arrives, and meets up with Papu, Bobo and Hirarin. Inside the barrier, General Don managed to turn everything into a tournament: five monsters versus Pinon, Luna and the three annoying classmates, in one-on-one duels.

Meanwhile, it seems that I was wrong on assuming that the third and final Seirei was to be the Water-Seirei. In fact, it’s an Ice-Seirei, as suddenly, the entire ocean has frozen over. Marco, meanwhile, has found a way to go under the barrier through a corridor Pietoro often used to run away from school. Papu, Bobo and Hirarin join him.

In any case, the tournament was predictable, but fun. Luna starts first, after which the three classmates have to fight and Pinon will be last. his indeed meant that one of the classmates had to win against a monster, though the way the creators solved this actually was pretty creative. Thanks to Pinon, for giving them some advice on fighting. In any case:
– Luna has to fight against a Bird of Paradise. These mainly use sound waves which put people to sleep. A couple of earplugs and Luna’s magic were enough to overcome this.
– Second is the first of the classmates (I wish they’d give them some actual names) against a Pitcher, or a squirrel who throws with walnuts. In the end, it turns into a baseball game, in which the classmate attempts to hit the walnut right back at the pitcher, and overpowering it in the confusion. Good plan, though he misses, the walnut bounces back from a tree and knocks the poor guy out.
– The second classmate (Lorris, thank god this one does have a name) doesn’t do much better when he suddenly runs off for a bathroom visit. It seems quite random at first, though surprisingly, the sneak route Marco’s using actually leads to the bathroom. And so, the two of them end up making the school monster-free.
– The third classmate wins in a very amusing way, when the monster, a weak version of a humanoid bull, trips and lands out of the ring.
– Pinon then has to win against the last monster, who was overpowered by the Seirei of Darkness. Bobo, Hirarin and Papu attempt to help him, though Pinon thankfully declines, as everyone has been fighting on their own accord. In the end, Pinon doesn’t win because of his dragon powers, but making the enemy trip as well. This time, though, it wasn’t an accident. ^^;

Still, the Seirei of Darkness exits with the message that he’s found Pinon’s weakness. I wonder what it might be. And I wonder if it’s something Hirarin and Bobo aren’t able to fix. In any case, Luna’s quite upset when she finds out about the ocean being frozen over. Next episode, it’ll be time for the Ice Seirei!

The three classmates were very interesting. It’s clear that they aren’t skilled in fighting at all, though in the end, all of them ended up fighting. Okay, some weren’t as successful, but Lorris actually helped Marco, and saved him, and the other actually won because he wasn’t scared to run away.

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