Poll: Should I Rate Individual Episodes?

I suddenly realized something when I took another look at the front page. I haven’t changed the poll at all ever since the end of march. I guess I’m getting lazy. Ah well, now we at least know that Mushishi features awesome music.

Anyway, I decided to replace the poll with something that’ll actually be useful to the site: should I rate individual episodes or not? I’m seeing some sites who actually do this, and I often find myself looking for the rating they gave the episode. I’m wondering if more people experience this.

0 thoughts on “Poll: Should I Rate Individual Episodes?

  1. Hmm, so far, people either don’t care or they think I should give ratings along with each episode. So far, only one person is against it.

    I’m going to keep this open for a while longer to see what happens.

  2. I’m in a minority, but from my own experience blogging I’ve found that rating individual episodes becomes a chore, and that it doesn’t really work in the long run. One day’s 6 out of ten could be another day’s eight. Defining how good an episode is compared to other installments in the series was also suprisingly hard, and more often than not reflecting my own bias rather than the actual merit of the episode in question. So I’d say no – it just becomes a bit of a bother.

  3. Well, either way you choose I don’t care much. I’m more interested why episode is good or bad, rating is only necessary with series reviews.

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