Phi Brain – 35

Who the heck was behind this episode, and what on earth was he smoking while writing it?

This episode already started off bad by both having Elena transfer into the Root Academy, and being a beach episode. I did not expect it to be such a bizarrely written one, though. I’m not sure whether this was in a good way, because what made it so bizarre was the incredibly stupid ideas behind it.

So, let me get this straight… the POG actually owned another tropical island. They used that for filming a giant monster movie named “puzzla”, and they still keep some of the props, including a giant monster model, hidden in a cave on that island. Where the hell did that come from? Why would that professor Pythagoras have ordered a thing like that?

The more I think about this episode, the more I realize that it really is quite bad. I mean, on one hand I guess the stupidity was funny and all, but on the other hand: it actually nullified some of the development that has been handed to the characters. There is that bizarre movie plan from the POG, but also:
– This episode had everyone going crazy from puzzle withdrawal, including Cubic and Ana, even though the two of them weren’t really passionate about puzzles. In the series we mostly see them paint and do science stuff respectively. This episode lumped their character way too much together.
– Elena also gets reduced to a generic side-character. Remember in the first season how there were hints of a romance between her and Gammon Well, this episode apparently didn’t.

Episodes like this are supposed to give the characters more colour, not make them grayer!

Some more comments:
– Apparently this show forgot that lock-picking is also a puzzle.
– Being in puzzle withdrawal is one thing. Gammon however has made plenty of puzzles for himself. Really, it’s not that hard to make them and instead the characters decide to go into that bizarre puzzla chase.
– Nonoha swimming for six hours and fishing up the key that Elena threw away is just plain bad.
– Death to slide-show montages!
Rating: — (Lacking)

3 thoughts on “Phi Brain – 35

  1. You… weren’t really paying attention, did you? The monster was there because the POG made a kaijuu movie waay back. But it was so embarrassingly bad it was given the kurorekishi treatment even by the POG, and the prop monster was hidden on this island.
    I thought this episode was hilarious, not everything has to be the pinnacle of good writing to be funny.

  2. I was under the impresion that Elena was tryin to win Gamon’s sister over… you know since she is so important to him and all.

  3. This felt like I was watching an episode of Korezon. Given your stance on that show its no surprise you didn’t enjoy this ep, but I found it quite funny and entertaining.

    I definitely agree about Cubic and Ana conveniently getting a personality overhaul and thrown into the puzzle freak grouping with Gammon and Kaito, but aside from that I didn’t feel the ep. was lacking.

    Also agree with tee that all of Elena’s actions were a cover to get closer to Gammon.

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