What mind created this? And what was he on while creating this?
So… this was the dreaded school festival episode. Usually it’s part of the pool of episode templates for creators who don’t know how to fill their episodes. In this case, it’s an excuse of the creators to dress up the entire male cast as women. Heck, just look at the screenshots above: Daimon Kaito had to solve a puzzle in a dress, in the middle of a burning circus tent, surrounded by very creepy melting dolls while Nonoha was turned into Snow White. A tent by the way, which was secretly constructed next to the school, making use of how everyone was too busy preparing for the school festival. How do they come up with these things?
Also, don’t get me wrong here: I am currently enjoying this series a lot here. It’s completely ridiculous when you think about it, and I’m not going to stop ranting about that. But that’s the fun part about it. The thing is, that I find being generic a much worse crime than making no sense. It’s anime. It should be crazy.
What’s even more important however, is the execution. And despite all my ranting… this show is doing that well. This episode was all about the student council president, and it actually worked. It’s bizarre, but the characterization in this show is simple, but effective. There are times at which I’d wish that this show would combine its characters more, like involve more characters with its puzzles at the same time, but ah well. This works as well.
Rating: ** (Excellent)]]>
If you think this is insane and ridiculous and nonsensical, watch FLCL (or Fooly Cooly).
I think that deer scene from previous one was just a glimps of some strange mind behind the series
and now this mind show it’s pottential 😉 or has just started to do it!
Oh, this was a truly enjoyable episode! ^^ Really, it seems like I keep watching each and every episode of Phi Brain with a ridiculous grin on my face. And mmm Student Body President~~