Phantom – 24

Aha, the calm before the storm episode. There’s nothing much to say about this one: it was as solid as usual, while the plot sets up for the big climax of this series, which is probably going to happen in the next episode. The past few episodes have really been able to very subtly build up to this finale, and I can’t wait to see how all of this has paid off. So, in this episode Reiji first manages to convince Helen to leave Cal to him, because he doesn’t want to lose anyone else, however Helen in the end refuses to listen to him and decides to kill Cal off herself. It’s here where Reiji’s big weakness comes into play: his naivety. He believes with his heart that he’s going to be able to convince Cal to stop killing him, yet Helen who has the more realistic mindset sees no chance in that happening. The last she wants to happen is a dead Reiji, and so she chose for the option that would leave his life in as little danger as possible. Scythe Master in the meantime also hasn’t been sitting still, when this episode introduces Vier, Funf, Sechs, Sieben, Acht and Neun. I’m not sure what they can add to the story at this point in the series, but it was only natural for him to put his experiments to a larger scale at one point. Rating: ** (Excellent)]]>

8 thoughts on “Phantom – 24

  1. The way Scythe create Phantom remind me of Evangelion. After some prototype were created, there come mass production type.

  2. Is Reiji so naive?
    I’m surprised that you didn’t put more emphasis on what Mio managed to do – which is to get through to Cal, where Reiji didn’t even try.
    So, what’s driving Cal, after all?

  3. Finally the subs have been released, and I just finished watching this episode a few minutes ago. Not much to say here except I’m looking forward to the final two episodes. Apparently it won’t just be a battle among the three phantoms, but among Scythe’s other experiments/creations as well. This will be good.

  4. I liked the episode, but I was hoping they’d keep a few lines during the Mio/Cal conversation that, while implied to some extent, aren’t really present in the anime version. It still turned out pretty well anyway.
    Thanks to some information that has been posted elsewhere it’s more or less clear how the anime will end, but I’ll still like to see how they pull it off.

  5. I seriously think Ein, Drei, and Zwei will somehow end up teaming together and fighting against the “Number Sisters”.
    I hope the end of the series will have all 3 surviving but I get the feeling Cal will be the death scapegoat and Ein/Zwei will live since the whole series was about them and she was introduced midway.
    Why is the next episode called “Conclusion”?! I hope that is a play on words and we still get an episode 26 titled “Epilogue” or something.

  6. I saw the scene where Cal’s wearing that pig mitten… then I read somewhere about the resemblance between RFTF and Leon: The Professional. Leon trains Mathilda to be an assassin as Reiji trains Cal…
    Indeed, RFTF’s producers DID WATCH Leon! Proof?
    Pig Oven Glove #1 {Requiem for the Phantom [Underwater] 24 frame# 5014}
    Pig Oven Glove #2 {Leon the Professional}
    THE EXACT SAME PIG MITTEN, except in RFTF it’s worn by the trainee, and in Leon it’s worn by the assassin.

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