Agh! What is up with those bloody recaps today?! I’d be more patient if Basquash didn’t just pull the exact same thing. Blegh.
Oh, and on the few minutes of new material: ZOMG CAL!!
Rating Recap: — (Blegh)
Rating Non-Recap: *** (Awesome)]]>
Agh! What is up with those bloody recaps today?! I’d be more patient if Basquash didn’t just pull the exact same thing. Blegh.
Oh, and on the few minutes of new material: ZOMG CAL!!
Rating Recap: — (Blegh)
Rating Non-Recap: *** (Awesome)]]>
Uuugghh . . .recaps.
I’m grateful to be informed that I’ll be doing a lot of fast forward on this episode. I hate wasting like 20 minutes for stupid recaps T_T
but I can’t wait to see the new parts *_*
I’d rather have a recap than have a poorly paced series with fillers.
I think this is the shortest entry you’ve ever done.
So next episode they’ll go to Japan.Thats the japan arc every fan talks about I thought the whole part with the godoh group was this Japan arc. So yeah we are already at ep 19~20 how will they fill everything in 7 episodes or is there more than 26 eps?
Yeah, expect good things from new Cal (and also JpnElen)