I still haven’t forgiven AIC with its bullying away of some of the animators due to mis-management. But I have to admit: I liked this episode.
There are things that are starting to grow on me. The introduction of each episode is actually quite well done with these two figures in the limousine, but also the comedy and the quiet moments were much better than last weeks. In particular the scene in which the two leads got arrested by the police for walking around with fake swords was hilarious, but I also liked the timing of the parts where Yukiko suddenly appeared on the television screen.
The last interesting part still was the fight scene, though. On one hand it’s interesting to see so many things that look like a game, but the battles still follow too strict of a formula. The whole inner conflict in this episode was pretty much identical to last episode, and what’s also weird is that both thi week and last week, the angsty character in question had a strong relationship to someone who hardly ever got any screentime at all. The weakest part was the angst, though. That needs to have better acting in the future.
Rating: * (Good)]]>
Yeah, what the hell is AIC doing?
Anyway, i replayed the beginning of the persona 4 game, and woah its quite incredible how much of the story they cut out. Granted, it might have been for the best because first episode is about the first two hours of the game. yes, the introduction is THAT long, and its all cutscenes and talking. either way it would have been impossible to boil that down to 20 minutes.
So, i recommend if anyone has the chance to play those two hours as it gives a better foundation for the anime. but thats just my suggestion, ive seen some do perfectly without.
If it keeps getting better like this, it’s gonna be awesome. And psgels, if you haven’t noticed already, every member of their team is going to have to act angsty, so…yeah, expect that. I like the fact that they already showed 2 non-party member social links, too. Well, they foreshadowed them anyway.
I’m pretty sure those swords weren’t fake.
Yeah this is turn to be good, I expected better next episodes.
I love the non-party member social links, so I squeed a little. ^^ (But to be honest, there are already a few social links already introduced – Narukami’s uncle and Nanako.)
I must agree that this episode was better than the two previous ones, even though I usually prefer Yousuke getting his Persona in the game as opposed to Chie. Maybe it’s the run-down feel of the shop that appeals to me? IDK. But I think her part worked better in the anime.
Now I’m actually looking forward to more episodes of the Persona 4 anime! ^.^
Well, it can’t be helped… x(
These “Other self” encounters are a lot formulaic in the game…
Chie and Yosuke have the weakest “bad traits”, though. The next ones ( probably )gonna be a lot more enterteining.
Yosuke’s sword-licking made me crack up. XDDD
It’s sort of boring to see such a repeated format. The fights were not bad and the designs are cool. I’ll most likely not bother with it anymore though. It’s a game and not really a story I want to take time with. Just my own take on it. I am sure I would have loved to play it though.
jzar, i should advice to give it another go at it, the formula will end with the next episode, after that there’ll be less battles (I hope) and more down to earth moments with certain characters. Facing your shadow and the magic will take back seat as the “normal” S.Links will be shown or that’s what I hope.
Psgels, Yukiko will be better, she doesn’t depend on characters with low screen-time to pack a punch.