Pandora Hearts – 15

This series just continues its string of downright excellent episodes. This episode was much more about the characters than the mystery, but that’s also one thing that this series stands out at. The reunion between Oz and Alice was nothing short of adorable, and made the rather annoying cheese of a few months ago well worth it.

Alice, Gilbert and Oz work really well as a lead trio. All three of them try to fill in, for better or for worse, to fill in for each other’s flaws and weaknesses, and when you have such a setting as with this series to play with, it works really well.

We also learned something new about Break and his chain: it’s a chain, made to negate any influences from the Abyss, and so a chain made to hunt other chains, and for some reason this power is similar to that of Oz and B-Rabbit. This episode also reveals that Vincent is indeed trying to make Break do something: bring Alice’s memories to the real world. Since Break’s powers are very hard to beat in a fight, he indeed seems to have resorted to just manipulating the guy. This episode also showed that Break isn’t perfect, and flawed just like all the others. Now we just need to see some flaws of Vincent, but there’s no doubt that those are going to appear when we get a bit of a bigger look into his mind.

The end of this episode also had a nice little twist: why did the horse just take Alice and Oz with it, and leave Break and Gil behind in that collapsing dimension. Break was smiling, so there obviously had to be something else that saved them, but why was this so important for Sharon, and why the heck did she teleport them in the middle of a big meeting involving Oscar?

Also, I’ve stopped caring about the bad animation by now. This series just looks so damn good that I don’t mind the cut corners in the animation.
Rating: ** (Excellent)
An excellent character-based episode, after last week’s major plot twists.

8 thoughts on “Pandora Hearts – 15

  1. This is one of my favorite series of the year.. I love the whole representation to Alice in Wonderland. Makes me want to stop waiting for Tim Burton’s rendition coming next year.. ;b

    Also, I find the animation great. I think it matches the series well with regards to style.

  2. The long-awaited episode!!! I’ve been wanting that OzxAlice scene to be animated xD

    This episode is among the best that I’ve seen in the anime… well,that part with Gill and Oz kinda scared me a bit (not a BL fan..) but I think it’s okay xD Nothing much wrong about the animation; Break’s was handled the best xD

    Break was smiling, so there obviously had to be something else that saved them, but why was this so important for Sharon, and why the heck did she teleport them in the middle of a big meeting involving Oscar?

    …oh dear. I have a bad feeling about this. *facedesk* Xebec, please, anything but screwed-up storyline and fillers…!

    I wish there are more people like you, psgel. Look at the story, screw the animation as long as it’s bearable!

  3. It’d be sad if people who’ve watched this far already still haven’t gotten over the animation. If it hasn’t changed for 15 episodes, it’s not gonna; people need to learn to get over it and enjoy it’s other merits. Which, fortunately for Pandora, is everything else: voice acting, music, characters, plot.

    The Cheshire arc is what really bumped Pandora onto my top ten list. It’s just so genuine, especially Cheshire’s rather simplistic, but sweet, motivations and Oz’s relationship with Alice. The plot also isn’t too shabby. I was never one for mystery until I read Pandora.

    Back to the episode; despite the short-cuts in animation, I think they did an excellent job. Although a few BL movements I could have sworn were never there before popped in, I think XEBEC perfectly captured the atmosphere. And Cheshire’s demise was suitably a mixture of being bittersweet and pathetic/tragic.

    As for Break and Vincent, you haven’t seen nothing yet. Just wait until we reach Kevin’s arc, then you’ll see the meaning behind his little chat with Cheshire (“I hate people who say ‘it was for someone.'” or something along those lines). And as for Vincent…Well, with the latest chapter, Mochizuki is really, really, REALLY determined for us to love all her characters, because I can’t seem to direct my much needed rage at him anymore.


  4. Shrachi-san, you’ll spoil that guy’s arc then (didn’t expect it’s be that guy when I first saw it in the manga…) by the time they got the Kevin arc xD

    I don’t really think that people won’t get used to the animation if they had survived till this point. Somehow, I feel that PH kinda stands out than other spring series.. not only in the QUALITY animtion but something about their character designs. The voice actors, characters, plot and music are definitely the reward for our endurance LOL

    Those BL scenes are definitely for fanservice… Well, OzxGil is really popular in the fandom so yeah. BUt it’s amazing that they could potray the feelings of that arc. One thumb up for you, Xebec!

    All of her characters, except for Oz’s dad, atm :p

  5. OMG Rufus Barma squeeeee~ He’s so cool n_n~ Its funny every time you seem to ask a question about why certain things happened your question is generally going to be answered in the next episode or the following ones, so basically what you just pondered on will be answered XD. Anyways the next arc is more or less a cool down but pretty high on the humor factor, lets just say Oscar is the best XD

  6. Okay. In this episode it’s glaringly obvious that the animation for PH has dropped big time. But what it gives us in sheer emotional impact more than made up for it! XD

    I can’t wait for the school arc. ^^

  7. @Hellian
    Their main powerful animators are distracted by something else recently like pandas and 10 years with Mad Hatter -shot-

    But I think the animation is kinda better than episode 6 xD

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