Pandora Hearts – 08

Ah, now that most of the major questions that were asked in the first episodes have been answered, it’s time to start developing the characters, with the biggest issue being Oz’s parents. His situation was already pretty weird when he was still living a normal life, this episode reveals that he can’t even remember his father’s name, and on top of that we still have no idea what happened to them through the past ten years. There’s this on-going question of what exactly eh turned into when he was sent into that abyss and now that his clock started ticking he’s not going to last for a long while anymore.

On top of that, the creators continue to develop the bond between Oz, Raven and Alice. I noticed that whenever Raven leaves Oz, he leaves behind his hat. Not only does this hat look pretty good on Oz, but it also symbolizes how the two are going to stay together from now on, especially since Raven was separated for ten years from him. Raven may really be a bit too keen on protecting Oz because of this: he knew that Oz’s parent’s story is a bit of a taboo with him, though Alice on the other hand doesn’t seem to mind, since she only knows the strong side of Oz.

On a side-note though, one of the biggest reasons why I’ve seen people drop this show is because of the animation, which is something I don’t quite get. Sure, this series definitely doesn’t have the best animation this season, but what makes the animation bad enough to drop an otherwise excellent series? Especially since there’s much worse animation out there this season (Tayutama, anyone?)

Rating: * (Good)
Nice build-up; plus: Break was hilarious.

6 thoughts on “Pandora Hearts – 08

  1. On a side-note though, one of the biggest reasons why I’ve seen people drop this show is because of the animation, which is something I don’t quite get. Sure, this series definitely doesn’t have the best animation this season, but what makes the animation bad enough to drop an otherwise excellent series? Especially since there’s much worse animation out there this season (Tayutama, anyone?)

    That’s why you are blogging this anime right? Trust me, the story is something you’ll never regret (IF they follows the manga) And I’m not watching Tayutama, since hentai and harem animes have scarred me so badly, I wanted to stay away from them….

    Ehem, anyway, Echo made her appearance! (the girl in blue) Ah, she’s so pretty there xD
    And I really love how Break appeared from under Alice’s bed (er, that would be scary if it happened to me…) and threatened Gil to make tea. Too bad they didn’t make Oz use the chcolate knife but the axe was nice too (though it’s kind of illogical how he could get one; both the axe and the chocolate knife if it had been used)

    Anyway, next episode SHOULD be able to suck people back to this show (HE appeared O_O)

  2. People who drop the anime because of the animation are…well…FOOLS. This has one of the most engaging stories this season. The characters are nice and developed, and you can actually feel for them. Oz is awesome as the male lead, showing both strong character, and a vulnerable side. Alice is also awesome, switching from strong semi-psycho, to cute innocent girl, to jealous possessive, and back.

  3. This is show is getting good as the story progresses. I don’t have a problem with the animation and I feel people are dropping it for the wrong reason. We’re getting into the meat of the mystery that starting with OZ disappearing into the abyss. The deeper the characters dig into the past, the more intriguing things become and how these are connected to the characters. Just keep watching I’d say.

  4. I just don’t get it, really. With such a nice premise, why screw everything up? Alice, who was at first a mysterious and evil character, is acting like a spoiled teenage girl, which doesn’t suit this anime at all. Moreover, the whole plot of her memories was already done in Tsubasa Chronicles! Really, didn’t the creators have a better idea?
    And the daddy issues of Oz, and his inavility to talk about them is not even remotely genuine. Really, what’s his problem to speak about it? Not only that, it seems pretty artificial. In Lost almost every character had daddy issues, but they were made genuine and interesting. Here… It seems more like a plot device…
    I’m so sad. they set up the setting very nicely, but when the time came for the story to kick in in episode 4, it just downgraded to a stupid quest to recover lost memories. Pretty much like many anime before it (Death Note, Claymore), the creators just aren’t capable of executing the excellent premise of the show.

  5. @Perrin4869
    Ahahahahaha, you’ll see what happens later around episode 11. For us who follow the manga, it’s our most favorite part and an important key event.

    There is a reason why Alice seemed so spoiled and there’s another point: her memory lost IS like TRC but the reason behind it is totally different xD

    Stay with PH for a bit more longer, you’ll see why xD

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