Pandora Hearts – 06

Okay, so this episode explains what the heck happened in those first three episodes, although most of it consisted of things that we already were able to guess: ten years indeed have passed, and Raven indeed is Gilbert. The reason why Gilbert betrayed Oz turned out to be simple brainwashing: in this episode we meet the one who did it, inside Oz’s house that has aged ten years and all. That still leaves the question of why Sharon didn’t age one bit, though.

My problem with this episode was that it may have been a bit too cheesy in the end. Brainwashing is very hard to do well, simply because it’s so easy for the characters to break the spell of brainwashing through the power of love, and for a moment it really looked like this was going to be the case when Oz yet again had to face a brainwashed Gilbert.

I didn’t expect him to pull the trigger, though. Obviously something is going to happen that’s going to prevent Oz from dying instantly, but I’m intrigued as to what exactly it is. We’ve now seen that this is a show where people don’t necessarily die when they’re killed, but the matter is going to be whether they can explain it well. For example the latest subbed episodes of Gintama have had Gintoki penetrated by swords, bullets and god knows what, only for all of these wounds to completely disappear a day later. That’s obviously not how to do this. But in Pandora Hearts, if there indeed is some sort of link between the Abyss and dying, I’ll buy it.

Either that or the gun just missed; that’s also of course a possibility. But then again, this show doesn’t strike me as the type to use those kinds of anti-climaxes.

Rating: (Enjoyable)
Really evil antagonist, good to see a bit more of the past of Oz and Gilbert, though a bit too cheesy in the end.

12 thoughts on “Pandora Hearts – 06

  1. That still leaves the question of why Sharon didn’t age one bit, though
    == that will be explained later. Hehe. I didn’t expect the possibility for the present time to be set 10 years later because her nd Break looked the same. Ehehe.

    I agree that the part with Gilbert breaking the brainwashing spell was so typical and cheesy. *sigh* but I love the strong master and servant relationship of those two. I find them sweet and touching. Hehe.

    Oh, about the the guesses on what may have happened later, one of them is very close to what actually happened. Hehe.

  2. Ooh, I see, so that’s why. So it was true that Raven = Gil. I can’t believe it was actually 10 years already. Couldn’t blame Oz for not easily believe it no matter how many clues he has..

    I can’t wait to be able to watch this episode – it’s interesting.

  3. I wish more anime like Darker than Black came out, instead of this lame attempts. It had an incredibly good premise, and an awesome first 3 episodes that seemed to promise us lots of mystery and dark fantasy, but instead we got cute characters and a quest to recover all the lost memories of Alice. I haven’t watched this episode yet, but this one will go down as another series that couldn’t live up to its premise for me, unless something really big happens. Although it’s still interesting enough for me not to drop it yet.

  4. I found out that PH seems to have different animation each episode (episode 1 being quite a pain but when you reached the 5th episode then BAM!unbelievably nice animation)

    As for this episode, it seems like we’re back to episode 2’s quality (^_^;)

    What is XEBEC planning? XD
    What I know is, the dudes who are in charge of this anime are the manga’s big fans so I guess they wanna oull something good (yeah, they MUST or else~~)

    Anyway, next episode will be really epic (one of my favorite chapters of the manga XD)

    So, don’t drop this anime just yet XD

  5. >>>As for this episode, it seems like we’re back to episode 2’s quality (^_^;)

    that’s because they put their main animation staff to this week’s asura cryin’.damn xebec! they really are a strange production company…

  6. I agree that in some parts PH does get a bit cheesy, but it’s very few times, so this is hopefully only one of the times you’ll be a bit irritated.

    They keep changing their animation or what? It’s fine with me, but I thought that was strange. Any reason why?

    This is almost the stopping point to where I can relate to the manga, as only a few scanlations have been out. 🙁 But I’m excited to know what happens next in animated form! 😀

  7. The next one would even raise more question marks (at least that’s what happened to me with the manga XD)

    I just hope that they will make the CC arc’s quality the same or even better than episode 5’s or we might find some heads rolling down the street XD

  8. Eh, the cliffhanger end occurred in the middle of the chapter in the manga, so that scene wasn’t originally meant to be a cliffhanger. I guess it turned out decent enough though.
    I’m hoping for the animation quality to remain at episode 5’s quality or better for the rest of the series. This episode’s quality was disappointing, even if you’re already used to PH’s cheap budget. At least the next episode looks better.

    Ah, yes, they’d better save up some budget for the CC arc. It’s everyone’s favorite, plus has the most fight scenes! \o/

  9. And a veeeeery touching scene which made me really happy since it’s something OzxAlice XD

    But, judging from the preview, I’m starting to have this fear of storyline-change… why did they show the black rabbit doll instead of the white one like in the manga?

    XEBEC~~~ *gleaming knife*

  10. “Either that or the gun just missed; that’s also of course a possibility. But then again, this show doesn’t strike me as the type to use those kinds of anti-climaxes”

    Prepare to be disappointed

  11. hey dont say bad stuff about Gintama… its a rly awesome anime..i think its unique i his way..u need to watch more more eps 130+ the real epic things are there..i think every episode is epic and for PH its rly awesome..but i think that he misses the shot bcuz i dont think they wanna complicate the scene more…

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