Short Synopsis: Akazukin needs a bit of time after last episode’s revelation.
Good: Near-perfect closure of the Jedo-arc; The more I think about it, the better it gets.
Bad: After this, I DEMAND a Randagio-episode.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 8,5/10
Whoa… he’s gone now. Jedo-sama really is gone now. With this, the episode closed up the storyline between Akazukin, Baru and Jedo-sama. Jedo-sama’s death was another one of those deaths which made a great impact on me. Not at the moment he died, that actually was pretty standard, though I’m only beginning to miss him now that I’m typing this. That’s definitely a sign of a good anime. The final touches are also put to Akazukin’s and Baru’s past, Jedo-sama’s reasons are explained. It’s a great way to close a chapter in this story.
Now then, this means that there are still eight episodes left. Eight episodes left to free Shirayuki’s country, to find out what happened to Souta’s mother, to find the role of Souta’s father, to free Fernando, to see Gretel retaliate to her brother, and to defeat Cendrion. She’s taken a small step back during the past two episodes, so that the show could focus on Jedo. Now that he’s gone, she’ll be coming in action again.
And yes, I am SO rooting for a Randagio-episode. I refuse to believe that this little cat doesn’t have any background at all. I also refused to believe that the city musicians of Bremen won’t appear anymore. Turude also could use a bit more background. Do you suppose she’s going to get it?]]>